T3h h3T

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on June 16, 2006, 1:08 a.m.

LAdada, well, here comes my blog. I noticed, my blogs have gotten progressively shorter. XD, that sucks.

<img src="http://0wn3d.dk/owned/pwn3dcatkick.jpg"> Pwned, XD.

Anyways, Well, that was an interesting topic of Polystyrene Man's. XD, i didn't have to constantly contradict anyone like everyone else. That surely worked up some heat, Eh? Anyways, i started VB lately.

<a href="http://64digits.com/users/MahFreenAmeh/NameLenUpdate.zip">My First VB Program </A>

That's the first VB program i made, it takes your name, and determines the total amount of characters in it.

Note, that you have to fill in all three fields. I accidentally did that, and i'll fix that in the near future.

If you have any suggestions for it, XD, let 'em rip. If you have any suggestions for a VB program, i might as well take them.

I did the same thing with a website as well, to determine the characters in your name, how much there are, XD..

<a href="http://mfaphptest.t35.com/Formpt1.php">Click, Oo;</a>

Anyways, wow. I can't think of much to say.


Just so you people know… Moo. XD.


Maxcore 18 years, 8 months ago

Get better at VB, it will be worth it.

gamehawk 18 years, 8 months ago

Learn VC++ it will be worth it more.

Eternal 18 years, 8 months ago

No, VC++ actually isn't too good. See, in VB, the techical support from microsoft still sucks, but is better than when using C, because for some reason microsoft assumes that if you are using C, you'll be able to fix any problem.

Your program is a good start. I've been working sort of on a Visual Basic made Project manager for GM. I'm still working on how to use multiple tabs in the tab thing though.