We are the space robots

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on July 4, 2006, 9:46 p.m.

WEll. after taking a look at my previous blog, i noticed something that Sgtpepper said… i believe it was…

"If you were truly cooler then him you would not be doing this on a website. You would be with those things called friends. Ever heard of them? I think not."

Uh.. Yeah. I have heard of them, you ignorant fool. Stop throwing out possibilities, please? Let me explain this to you. I would be doing this in real life, except for the fact that. 1.) I'm afraid of my neighbourhood, so i usually don't go outside, and 2.) A lot of my friends, although they live in the same area as me, live at least a mile away. Do you know how hard it is to walk a mile when you're overweight? SO here's an idea. Fuck off, ok? Unless you have something nice to say, and i know this contradicts a lot of what i say, but who the fuck cares… Shut up, please?Anyways. Off that subject. I know that a lot of people say, if you want to take this up, take it up in a PM. Well. He should have taken it up with me in a pm, not a comment on my blog. So, i'm doing what he did. Hahaha.. I just learned yesterday, the Voger, of the GMC, and the GMP Forum, got Pwnt. Apparently, he got shot at a concert. Well, that's the price you pay for being in a big time band. There's gonna be someone that hates you somewhere. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Point in case… I'm bored. I was playing Sonic Adventure 2 DX earlier… I don't know why that matters, but it's fun to pwn in it. And easy. And then, soon afterwards, we, meaning me and my mother, left the house for about two hours, to go hunting for fireworks shows. I got pissed because i had no money. I wanted to buy some roman candles, and create a huge explosion… How could i do that with a single roman candle? Simple. Light it, and shoot them into a fireworks stand. Instant fun. If i had the money, i probably would have done it. Or even better, Roman Candle drive-bys. See someone you don't like? Roll down the window, light one, and pop 'em in the face with a scalding hot… thing. XD. I wish my BB Gun worked. But the hammer on it fucked up, so i can't shoot for crap. Anyways. Blah. Sgtpepper, get a life. Chiken… You couldn't get a life if it smacked you in the face…


SPAM SEQUENCE ENDED. Have a nice day.


melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

Interesting bloggage. =P


Tasm 18 years, 7 months ago



Hootiehoo 18 years, 7 months ago

Mile walks are fun. =(

'Cos I can walk from one end of my town to the other, there's a mile. =|