Satanism and other thoughts.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on July 22, 2006, 7:48 p.m.

Damn, after reading through this, i think that i may be interested in Satanism.. It seems to be much better than most religions. Self-indulgence really speaks to me.. <a href="">Just read this..</A>

That should give info on LaVeyan satanism. It seems to follow a logical idea. It honestly seems much better than most religions. It's hard to explain for me, at the moment, so just read through the page, and learn a bit about it. I almost bought the Satanic bible the other day. I ended up getting The Necronomicon in it's place though. I also got.. "When will jesus bring the pork chops," by George Carlin, "Case MJ-12," by Kevin Randle, and "The Alphabet of Manliness," by Maddox. I should get to reading later. But i probably won't. I also got, "The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster," so i own. Plain and simple. And now i have a headache. I wish i had more money. I want an AR for my gamecube. Not too sure why, though. Fuck, i don't know what i want anymore. Im just bored as hell, and lacking something. Something which shall not be named, for i do not know of what exactly it may be. Oh well. Thank god for music.

Looking at my banner, i notice that i haven't worked with PS in ages. Sucks for me. -yawn- I should work with it soon. But i lack the will to. And look at my blogs get more and more stupid as days go on… Do people even enjoy them anymore? Ah well. Yay, i only have 4 badges. I rule. Haha. Fear me.


V 18 years, 7 months ago

o_O i do not know you, i'm srry, but this is just so the christian mob doesn't come after me too.

grayfox 18 years, 7 months ago

Why would you follow a religion based on another one that is nothing but lies? Satanism stems from Christianity, in which Christianity is nothing more then an illogical belief system used to describe things that are not understood and to control people to be 'good.'

I can't change you (nor am I trying, and I really don't care in the first place), but I thought I would give my perspective on things as an atheist.

I've chosen to be atheist simply because it is most logical for me. When you die, you revert to the way you were before you were born. And that's it. You're born, you live, you die. End of cycle.

Xxypher 18 years, 6 months ago

I am apart of the Christian mob.. do we have a problem here?