Morning Star

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Aug. 10, 2006, 8:59 a.m.

Yeah.. Aren't I the morning star? -sigh- Well, time to acchieve my goal. I'm going to write another blog. How horrible. Anyways. It seems that people always have something better to do than talk to me. You know. They'd rather talk to someone else, and that governs what they do. So funny. They happen to be so plentiful. Isn't that weird? I guess [no one?] really thinks that my words matter. Well, they do to me. So they must matter. So, looking at the clock… It's early. 8:45 am. Yay. So, some random subject matter to write on and on about.

I'm honestly convinced that everything has a possibility of existing. I don't believe that god exists, that ghosts exist, that aliens exist, but I do believe that there is a possibility that they exist. And as long as there is a possibility, that means that I can be proven wrong. And when we are proved wrong, all we should do is accept that we are wrong, and move on. Anyways. Random subject matter is sometimes hard to come up with.

For some reason, a few of my programs won't connect to the internet.. like Firefox. So i'm writing this blog in shitty Internet Explorer because I was too lazy to dig into my program files to get opera. Well, like Powerman 5000 says, A is for Apathy. So yeah. I'm slightly tired, so the logic flow of this blog may not be so good.

People overglorify sex nowadays. Everyone wants to have it, including myself, but not because of curiousity, or any of that. For a stupid reason. I'm tired of stupid fucks mentioning that they'll be having sex soon, or they already have. Yeah. It's like some club I actually want to be a part of. Oh well. I've learned to control feelings of anger. Kind of, that is. Haha. I just realized, one of my friends is a Neo-Nazi. Oh well. He's still cool.

As I write this, I keep looking at the clock. It is now 8:53 am. Yep, i'm going to constantly say the time. Why not? Maybe you can figure out how long it took me to write this whole thing, because I sure as hell am not counting. You know what I find funny? My mom wants me to stop taking the so-called lord's name in vain, that is to say, stop saying, "Jesus christ." Well. I'm just saying his name. Who said I was taking it in vain? You just hear that in the tone. What if I was just saying his name? Or what if I saw the spirit of GG Allin? He was born with the name Jesus Christ Allin.

I stop constantly to take breaks and look around while writing this blog. I like to examine my surroundings every few minutes. You know. Just for the fun of it. Not like anything would change. Then again, I have two cats, and they tend to kinda bust stuff up, so I have to look to see what happens often. Oh well. I grow tired of typing, but i'm going to keep typing ,see how long I can get this to be. I haven't wrote lyrics in ages, I have no clue why.

Anyways, to another topic. I've been thinking about programming languages in general, lately. People tend to think that a language based purely upon the english language, that is to say, a programming language that IS the english language would be bad. I am honestly in support of it. IT sounds like a good idea, that is to say, typing sentences to tell the computer what to do instead of other stuff that some people would not understand. Oh well. That's just how I think. Just take Visual BASIC. It's probably one of the biggest pioneers in that area.

It is now 8:58 AM.

At that, i'm gonna leave this blog for a while, add more to it later. Transmission stopped at 8:59 am.

Transmission resumed at 9:35 AM

Haha. Both of my favorite games are in teh favorite list twice. That rules. Anyways, I don't know. I'm bored right now, so I just checked through my porn archives. Hurray for LS Magazine. <A HREF=",GGLG:2006-26,GGLG:en">Rough Japanese Translation of a WIki article about LS-Magazine.</A>

That's what LS-Magazine is, basically, an old ukrainian company that published underage pornography. I have some of their work on my computer, it isn't half-bad. That is to say, the softcore stuff isn't half bad. I prefer softcore most days anyways. Not too sure why. I grow tired of typing right now, as my left hand is somewhat cramping up from my chatting with my friend, Amanda, so yeah. Update later.

ENd transmission at 9:38 AM.


Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago

You sound kind of satanic at the beginning of each of your blogs. 0_o

But I'm Athiest, and not being able to say "God" or "Christ" around Christians kind of bugs me.

I mean, it's not MY religion - I don't really even have one! Just because you can't say it, I can't? Well, fuck that.


melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago


not being able to say "God" or "Christ" around Christians kind of bugs me.

It's just a name. Rob is Christian (hehe, correct me if I'm wrong), and he doesn't appear to mind when I say it around him.


I'm honestly convinced that everything has a possibility of existing. I don't believe that god exists, that ghosts exist, that aliens exist

Yeah. For me… I don't think "ghosts", exist exactly. I think it's something more complicated. Too hard for me to explain here… I don't believe any god exists, but I also believe another intelligent race exists, somewhere out there. For all we know, we were created by another race, and that's who religions are based off of. There's no way the Egyptians made the pyramids all on their own.