Get to The Gone

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Aug. 16, 2006, 6:15 p.m.

Well, I figured it's been a while since i've written a blog, so why not write a new one? I'm slowly starting to lose attraction to my current girlfriend, and it's not like I want to break up with her.. I mean, I do, but I don't want to hurt her feelings, and all of that shit. I really do like her, but this girl I met. She's more my age, and I like her a lot more. Pictures follow.

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Her name is Julia, assuming you might want to know. She reminds me a lot of Leigh Cabot in the book, "Christine," by Stephen King, but i'm honestly not too sure why. It might be the fact that like Leigh Cabot, she is attractive, yet still nice to me. Oh well. She's my Leigh Cabot, and I am her Arnie Cunningham. Haha. I just hope I don't get a possessed car.

Anyways. Nothing much is happening lately, it would seem. The disciplinary center i'm at has the most pointless class, BCIS. Business Computer Introductional Skills. Basically, they teach you exactly what F1 can teach you in Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2000 at that. Man, these people must have a shitty budget. I swear, the one I used earlier ran on Windows 98. There's a pregnant girl in my class. The teacher let her lay down on the floor, and sleep. I looked at her, and the first thought that went through my mind was, "To kick, or not to kick?"

Oh well, enough of that stupid shit. Anyways, I haven't been up to much lately, it would seem. And for those of you who don't know, Buckethead rules, listen to some of his music. Same for Yngwie Malmsteem. Anyways, i'm kinda tired, for some reason, so if I have anything else to add to this, i'll do that later. When I can think of something.

Well, after thinking for a while, I can come up with nothing to add to this. So, i'm gonna laugh. I found some animated hentai gifs earlier. Yay for motion in pictures. I have them as MSN emoticons for no good reason. But hey. Videl + Paizuri = Fun. And now I'm just rambling on. I really grow tired of school. Not school, but the RROC. I want to go back to normal school. At least there, there is a chance that I can grope a girl in the hall, seeing as people walk freely through the halls.

So, my blog is a wall of text? Haha. I love long blogs. They usually contain more information, be it relevant or not, and tend to be more entertaining. It's a big relief from my earlier blogs, which used to be short, and boring, so yeah. I'm constantly thinking of stuff to add to blogs, so meh.

You know why LOLOMGWTFBBQTWO sucks? I'm not in it. If I'm not in it, then it must suck. That doesn't include games like Contra. Contra owns you.


Tasm 18 years, 6 months ago

What's all this about kicking pregos?

melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Ace is wangster now! XD