Net! Da! Нет! Да!

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Aug. 21, 2006, 6:05 p.m.

[warning=Ever heard of linebreaks?]Yeah, having to scroll left and right to read this post? Not fun.[/warning]

Oh yeah, Russian represent. Anyways, I have come to 64digits as I am in the mood for making a blog. Everyone, hide your children's eyes. I might offend your beliefs. I tend to do that a lot. I started a huge argument the other day in World History when I said I didn't believe in God. And I'm sure I got some looks when I said I support abortion. And Im pretty sure when I have said other things along those lines, things happen. Oh well. Anyways. The central feature of this blog is the following phrase. Впереди Землия! Yay for russian. That transliterates to, "Vperedi Zemlia!" meaning, "Land is ahead!"

Yeah. Me and my random thoughts. Anyways. My Biology teacher has an awesome deal. He gets things from microsoft, such as the Visual Studio, for Five bucks. Ownt. I mean, you can't get much more awesome than that. Anyways, from the previous sentence on, I am now writing this blog in the DOS based text editor, EDLIN. I've grown an attraction to it, it rules. Haha. This blog may be shorter than most blogs, but that is because there is nothing much to write about, you know? Usually, there would be. But meh. I got yet another book from my Biology teacher. Kinda worthless, it's about programming in C++ on Macs. If only my Mac worked. Oh well. Macs annoy me.

He said he's going to bring the visual studio design suite next time he comes. Yay. I get to program in Visual Basic while in school. But I can do that on most any computer that has Microsoft Office. You know. With the crappy VB editor it comes with.

I'm more used to VB6, though, so that said compiler is not really good for me. It has different names for controls.. I'm used to typing Text1, not TextBox1. A is for Apathy. It's also for America. Doesn't that tell you something?

Blah blah. There is never much to do.

. I am only editing this in EDLIN because Internet Explorer is gay, and it doesn't allow me to type properly. Anyways. I would probably use VIM on any other day. I have a picture of the two interfaces somewhere…

Ah yes.

[warning=It's called slimfast, buddy]Seriously, next time, use a smaller picture! I had to manually fix it. I don't like having to manually fix ANYTHING.[/warning]

<img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" width=50% >

Anyways. I guess that will cut this blog off for now. Yay.

 <– CTRL+C, that which terminates DOS PROGRAMS!


Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago


Hootiehoo 18 years, 6 months ago


I looked at that title, and I could have SWORN this was by ChIkEn…

poultry 18 years, 6 months ago


shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

<font size="+6">&#1337;</font>

^the 1337 charactor

dont make the blogmods mad by making excessively large images. 64d should have a quick resize sort of thing…


noshenim 18 years, 5 months ago


Amarin 18 years, 5 months ago

Opera? Firefox?
