
Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Sept. 18, 2006, 6:29 p.m.

Surprise, indeed. It's another one of my blogs that you will find incoherent, because chances are, it won't have the best structure, or it won't have chronic line breaks. But I don't really care. If you're really intelligent, you can still read it. Then again, for the sake of the people who just need line breaks to read a blog, I shall put some in for you. You know, that way people can read. I don't really know anymore, though. I'm real tired right now, so I'm trying to gather the ideas to write a proper blog. Anyways, yeah. Windows is old school. Or so I say. That's why I'm not using it. I've made the switch to Linux, I'm using Fedora Core 3.

I don't know if I said that in my last blog, but I don't really care. And, haha, I just remembered. For those of you who dare to look back two or so blogs, it didn't really work out with Julia; she kinda fucked with me all that time. Oh well, it was worth it. It was fun. I guess there's always Kash. Haha. Or, there is always no girl at all. It gets irritating when I realize that I can't get a girlfriend that lives near me, they all tend to live more than 50 miles away. At least Kash only lives about 50 miles, though…

That's a positive, I guess. Anyways, I'm kinda freaking out for some reason right now, so let's get to the body of this all. I have some evidence, finally, to prove what people have been saying to me has actually happened… Did I put it in the last blog? I have no clue. Oh well, <a href="">Clickety-Click</a> to see said evidence. I remember something I wrote not too long ago, just for a little bit of fun.

"Stop trying to fight to maintain your racial status. Let me tell you something. If you came into America, it doesn't matter where you come from. You're American. Hands down. If you want to be fucking Mexican, and not be oppressed for it, live in fucking Mexico. If you want to be an African-American, too bad, you're what society calls black. You weren't born in Africa. I don't care if you trace your roots to Africa. You live in America. I'm not European-American, or German-American, or any of that, but my roots trace back to there. You're not Mexican-American. You're not Latino. Furthermore, why the hell do you associate yourself with the Latin language? Because it's what your language was based on? So is English. SO that makes me a Latino, because my language is based off of Latin. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Stop trying to say that you're opposed by white people, you're oppressed. Not all white people are racist. In fact, White people are rather oppressed as well. We're the ones catching all the racism, and we don't form these things to say to people, "We're tired of being judged! We're tired of racism!" You know why? Because it doesn't matter. So stop fucking forming these rallies. If you want to be Mexican, move to Mexico. If you're in America, you're American. Hands down. Stop refuting it, and accept it. If you want to still be in touch with yourself, go to where you came from. It's not like I try to stay in touch with my Germanic roots. I'm not saying, "I'm german! I should be treated as such!" I'm fucking American.

And so are you."

I had shown it to a few people before, I'm not too sure who, but yeah. I'm kinda running low on things to say, but yeah. I've been thinking of starting up Wi Fi networking lately. Maybe I will go out and find a WNIC somewhere. Anyways, I'm gonna cut this off now, and go back to talking to my friends.



melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Heh, I really need to try out Linux some time.

Cesar 18 years, 5 months ago

linux is cool… especially because penguins are cool…

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

Linux FTW!

Arcalyth 18 years, 5 months ago

Fedora is suckish though. Gentoo!!

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 5 months ago

Meh, No Gentoo for me. Too lazy to go out and get it.

poultry 18 years, 5 months ago




…Haha =P

Welcome back, MFA (If you left)

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 5 months ago

Linux sounds cool, but I think it would be over my head.

Hootiehoo 18 years, 5 months ago


Oh, man… That "" page.. Hilarious…. The lamest response might have been….


1. aint nobody like u

2. specially not any girls

3. not even y omama liek u

And so on…

I hate it when peoeple type that bad and when they comminicate in that manner.

Also, they're mad at you for "talking shit" about Marc, apparently.

Um, aren't they doing the same to you?

Hootiehoo 18 years, 5 months ago

Oh, and you have the right to call the cops on them/him for those threats (At least you would in Oregon.).

I mean, it's not like you don't have any evidence… XD

And I'd be saving those messages…