Blog Collection: Thoughts.

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Oct. 6, 2006, 8:51 p.m.

BLOG: Vapor Trail

Greetings, those who are apparently my faithful readers. First off, let me explain the title. For those of you who do not know what a vapor trail is, if you have ever seen a sniper rifle for, an ACTUAL sniper rifle, not a normal rifle with a scope on the top, you would see one really long stream of what looks like smoke. That is the vapor trail, so you may know. I chose that as a title because this blog is about human's, and their emotions, which are effervescent, which means transient, or rather, short-lasting, in nature, just like a vapor trail.

Anyways, on to the so-called body, the interesting portion. Earlier today, I caught myself pondering, yet again, on human nature, human emotions, as I do believe I have mentioned before this., in the introduction to this blog. I've noticed how transient things like love are. I'm so used to hearing about a girl who has a new boyfriend every week. Shouldn't the courting cycle last longer than 7 days? You know, if you want a true relationship to be fostered… Why not give the other person longer than one week?

And if you're going to be like that, here's another rule of thumb: Don't say no one loves you. Chances are, you're the one dumping them, as you may say. If they're dumping you, maybe you should get the hint, and stop acting so promiscuous. Now, for those who do not know what promiscuity is, or who think it means that you're basically a community sex toy, you're wrong, if you think that last thing. A promiscuous person is someone who quickly goes through many partners, although that definition is primarily used to describe animals. Anyways, the thing is, you may say, "But they keep leaving me after a week! I can't prove it to them!" Here's an idea: Go without one for a while. I've gone without a girlfriend for… Oh, say, 15 years?

Try being alone for a little while, it shows integrity in your character. It shows that you're not completely dependent on having another person with you. Try spending time with people, and making friends, you know, people who will accept you for you, not how you look? Another emotion even more transient than love is anger. People claim to be angry for long periods at a time, but if you watch them, you'll realize soon after that it's a farce. Not too long after being angered, they're back to normal. They just want you to think that they were angry for longer, so they can make themselves seem more disappointed, which brings me to my next point.

Anger and disappointment are two seperate things. I am oft angered at people, but not necessarily disappointed in them. If you were to kick me, I would be angered, but not disappointed. It's not like you did the opposite of what I expected you to do, but you did do something that angered me! Get your words down, you so-called people. There is no true emotion that lasts forever in humans, because that's just how we have grown to accept it. The point is, live life, stop being so damn serious. Have some fun with life, it's too short to be serious all the time. Stop assuming you need a new girlfriend or boyfriend every week, try being alone, make some good friends. I've had plenty of time to get a girlfriend. You know, for quite a while. But have I ever had one? Not really?

So, with that, I shall end this blog. Much thanks for reading.



BLOG: Aesthetika


Throw all sense out the door, you've entered a different world. You've entered the world of Gary Warman. From here on out, if you get offended, don't blame me for it. On to the subject at hand.

I must say, I have grown tired of people losing weight just so they can be what they want to think is attractive. Let me break some things down for you. People shouldn't care how you look if they want to be attracted to you. If you find that people are, then what you have to do is find other people. There's always going to be someone else, and the thing is, being skinny does not automatically equal being attractive. It's like another common misconception, that a guy with a bigger penis is better than other guys. Why is this? Because he has something they don't. Well, the thing is, that's just another superficial reasoning that came with humanity.

Everything in life is slowly becoming more and more fake. Be it breasts, water, or even grass, things are slowly becoming unreal. So, let's hang on to what's real for a while. Let's get back to the point at hand. One thing I don't care to hear you bitch and moan about is how many carbs there are in something, I don't want to hear this carb-coounting bullshit. If you're going to do it, do it quietly. If there are too many carbs, just shut up, and get something else to eat.

If there is nothing else to eat, then just eat something, it doesn't matter if you eat that many carbs. They're going to go away eventually, unless you don't exercise. Women, to quote Carlos Mencia, "Men like boobs, not 12-year old boys." But then again, that's not always true of Preachers. But the point is, stop being so obsessive about losing weight. If you gain a few pounds, don't freak out around us, we don't really care. What you do, is lose them again. Perhaps that's too hard for you to understand.

So here's what you do: Eat healthy, to make up for how unhealthy you ate, it's just food, and then exercise. So, just keep losing more and more weight, eventually you'll just lose so much weight that you're going to rot away, and slowly degenerate until you're part of the world that you're living on. Have fun! You're gonna die from malnutrition!

So, this has gone on long enough.


And to quote Van Wilder…

"As smashed as I am, I'm pretty sure that's MY room! Wasn't it?"


BLOG: Slaughter

Greetings. I am impersonal in forms of address because of two reasons. One, I have no clue who is going to be reading this, two, I don't really care, I only care that they read this. Anyways, now that that's over, let's just move on.

It's so funny when people think that they know more than me. I mean, come on, these people are like the people you find in Starbucks. If you don't know what those people are, it''s called Pseudo-Intellectual, and is ancient aramaic for "Scumsuckers of the earth." And if you think that's true, you too are a pseudo-intellectual. If you want to know what it means, then here's a hint: Pseudo means fake. It's most likely another prefix derived from Latin, a language which I am currently learning.

But, back to the topic at hand. Pseudo-intellectuals, what can one say about them? If you want to see some, then here's people you should look for: "Emos", "Goths", "Scene Kids", "Trendoids", "Yuppies", and any one you see hanging out at starbucks with one of those weird hats on, I have no clue what they're called, they're just that stupid, and a shirt saying they want to save the environment, or something like that. There is no true way to deal with them, but here is something I suggest: Take your left or right foot, it's all up to you. Prime the leg of the foot you choose by lifting it up behind you, then let loose, and kick them right in the face.

That's if you support violence, of course. If you want an easier way to deal with them, try talking to them, and use proper vocabulary in places it belongs, unlike them. Be sure to use big words like prodigious, ubiquitous, deft, belligerent, and things like that. Use enough words that they don't know, and they'll start acting like they know what you're talking about, but it will be obvious that they have no clue what they're talking about. Then, soon afterwards, their head will explode, because you outsmarted them, which really isn't that hard of a task.

So ends another blog by Gary.



BLOG: Mass M(edia, urder)?

Pay attention, folks, and turn off your television for about five minutes. Or better yet, keep it on, so you can see what I am talking about. Tune into a major news station, such as CNN, and give it about thirty minutes, then change right over to another major news station, I don't care which one. Now, I want you to take note, how many differences are there between broadcasts about the same subjects?

I will tell you what's going on here, but it's not like you shouldn't have already known. It's called bias, news stations ted to be either Liberal or Conservative. The differing beliefs of each extreme is the reason that we never get the truth from the news. Assuming the news, some day, ever actually attempts to tell the truth, then this shall all be refuted. But, I'm never wrong anyways. And we all know that. The point is, there is no bigger leader to people nowadays than MASS MEDIA.

We let it control our lives because we assume what it says is true. I have been controlled by mass media, but that was ages ago, when I still watched the news for more than 3 or so minutes at a time. The news, I've pretty much given it all up. You know, they're just going to keep lying. They can say what they want, but the real reason someone killed themselves is either, A.) They thought that their life sucked, and they thought it would NEVER get better, or rather, they were too apathetic to take action and make their life bettter, so they killed themselves, or, B.)

Something awkward happened to them, and people counted it as suicide, even though it's probably an accidental homicide.

The real reason the war in Iraq is going is because Bush just needs an excuse to blow shit up. The real reason gas prices are dropping is because they are going to spike again soon. The real reason life in America sucks is because of the pessimism throughout it. If you want live to be good, it's your job to do so.

So take action. We're gonna need some action, before they drop it all on us.



BLOG: Wir Reisen Im Nacht

We are the energy of the populace, we control those who allow themselves to be controled. We manipulate, and are equally manipulated. We show interest in those who are interesting. We give everyone the equal chance to speak to us, so long as they don't force their views upon us. To those who call us close-minded because we refuse to listen to them, we have a suggestion. Try talking on a more intelligent scale, we prefer to listen to calm conversations than people yelling at us, forcing their ideals down our throats. We may mean what we say, but we never have negative connotations attached to that which we say, but those who hear what we say seem to assume that we do. We do assume sometimes, but for the large part of the time, we only go by what we know. We are intelligent to some, and ignorant to others. Many people ignore us, many people wish to be like us, and many people despise us. We are the Opus Dei, The Brotherhood of Zion, The Skull and Crossbones Society, The Brotherhood of The Masons, The Illuminatus, The Knights Templar. We are out to protect society from what it shall learn eventually. We are out ot protect you while we still can. We care for you, so do not misunderstand that. We care for everyone, but many people don't seem to understand.

Wir Reisen im Nacht.


BLOG: Stop.

Stop trying to fight to maintain your racial status. Let me tell you something. If you came into America, it doesn't matter where you come from. You're American. Hands down. If you want to be fucking Mexican, and not be oppressed for it, live in fucking Mexico. If you want to be an African-American, too bad, you're what society calls black. You weren't born in Africa. I don't care if you trace your roots to Africa. You live in America. I'm not European-American, or German-American, or any of that, but my roots trace back to there. You're not Mexican-American. You're not Latino. Furthermore, why the hell do you associate yourself with the Latin language? Because it's what your language was based on? So is English. SO that makes me a Latino, because my language is based off of Latin. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Stop trying to say that you're opposed by white people, you're oppressed. Not all white people are racist. In fact, White people are rather oppressed as well. We're the ones catching all the racism, and we don't form these things to say to people, "We're tired of being judged! We're tired of racism!" You know why? Because it doesn't matter. So stop fucking forming these rallies. If you want to be Mexican, move to Mexico. If you're in America, you're American. Hands down. Stop refuting it, and accept it. If you want to still be in touch with yourself, go to where you came from. It's not like I try to stay in touch with my Germanic roots. I'm not saying, "I'm german! I should be treated as such!" I'm fucking American.

And so are you.


BLOG: Rapture Comin' Like a Runaway Truck

Guess what, Christians? Your final judgement is coming soon. Or not. I'm not sure, I don't really care. I just want you to leave me alone, you know? I mean, is it too much to say you don't believe in god without getting an earful of, "OMG YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD U N00B UR GOING TO HELL." Look, I don't really give a shit about what you think. I couldn't care less if you think that I am going to go to someplace that I don't believe in. But I would actually listen to you if you had some intellectual value to your conversation. You know, if you discussed it with me maturely, and, when you actually do reject ideas, you aren't rude about it. State reasons why, it makes you seem smart. But I haven't met any christians that are like that. Or at least, not very many.

But enough of that. I think it's time to get to the real issue at hand: Society. I hate to say it, well, actually, I enjoy saying it. Ignorance is a disease that is spreading like wildfire. I swear, It may come to me some day. Or so you could wish. But the thing is, a lot of people keep thinking that they are right, especially when they are not. Now, I'm not saying that isn't true of me, because I do that some times, but not at every opportunity I get. I still am understanding of other people. However, people just keep proving themselves ignorant. So people, do your part. Combat ignorance.

People seem to dislike the fact that I'm so open-minded. Let me tell you, I wasn't always this way. I used to be like all of you, I was raised in a very closed-minded environment. I was raised around people who wanted everything to be censored, who wanted everything to be done the "right," if there is a proper definition of right, way. But the thing is, I got past it because I realized that it was just societal control by the corporate overlords, be they friend or foe.

Even if it isn't for the best, just try being open-minded for once. People will like you a lot more.


Yes, I'm well aware that this is a very large blog. I just compiled some of my previously written "MySpace" blogs into a favorite collection, then put them up here.

So, Mu Nu Eta Theta Zeta Pi Phi Xi Psi Omicron Omega Alpha Beta Delta Gamma Epsilon Upsilon Rho Tau Sigma.


Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

ultra omega blog

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

Wall-o-text. =O

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago


V 18 years, 4 months ago

teh ebil wall of text! NOEEEEEEEEEEES!

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

Some of that blog seems to have come from the MSN conversations.

firestormx 18 years, 4 months ago

I only read the "BLOG: Mass M(edia, urder)?" one, but it makes me want to slap you. ;)