Pro.. or CON?!?!?!?

Posted by MahFreenAmeh on Oct. 21, 2006, 1:19 p.m.

W00t, I wrote these after listening to some folk metal.

note, whenever you see [ Rep ], that means that it is a repetition of the section of the song entitled Rep, that is, The thing that has Rep:, then lyrics within [ ].

Nordic Tale

Come now, humble people,

As I weave a tale,

A story, long and full,

Of times fickle and frail.

Rep:[ We are of Asgard,

We are of Muspelheim,

Mjolnir, play your card,

You will hit your target in due time.]

Ymir, the unwitting tool,

Drinketh he the milk of Audhumla,

We come from his blood, crimson and full,

Set he the stage for our living, Hon ar bra! (Note, Hon ar bra = He is good in Swedish.)

[ Rep ]

Odin rose to Asgard,

The king of kings,

Decreed the walls of Asgard to be built,

Firm and hard, Safe from the ignorant fiends

[ Rep ]

He drank from the well,

Hanging from Yggdrassil like a ledge,

By condeming his eye to Hel,

The Norns did grant his knowledge,

[ Rep ]

Thor, mighty and indomitable,

Let Mjolnir guide thy hands,

As you fight Jormungand, the beast terrible,

During Ragnarokkr, the destruction of all lands!

[ Rep ]

The giants in Niflheim,

Us in Midgard,

The flames blazing in Muspelheim,

The gods in Asgard,

They who are mortal,

Training within Valhalla,

Awaiting Ragnarokkr, the ending portal,

And recreation, the time of Audhumla


Ragnarokkr Fable

The heavens cried,

The earth roared,

The ocean receded its tide,

As Ragnarokkr brought discord,

Rep: [ The final battle began,

The warriors climbed down,

Beast, and man,

Putting Earth in a burial gown, ]

Loki the Prankster,

Jormungand the serpent,

As fate would ensure

And bring upon the somber event,

[ Rep ]

Sol and Luna are no more,

Swallowed by Fenrir,

Destruction reveals its door,

Can thou hear?

[ Rep ]

Yggdrassil, torn by the roots,

Niddhoggr, the guilty party,

Of it, stability he loots,

Safety is now a rarity

[ Rep ]

Poisoned by Jormungand,

Thor looked to his rear,

As his life began to end,

While he swung mighty Mjolnir

[ Rep ]

From Valhalla they came,

To chaos they went,

Revered with fame,

They are but the wisp of a hint,

[ Rep ]

The great Odin is defeated,

As is all evil,

And a life anew, a life repeated,

Pluribus sunt nihil

[ Rep ]


sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

….. wtf???

poultry 18 years, 4 months ago

go wtf yourself sk8m8trix

smaksak 18 years, 4 months ago


Amarin 18 years, 4 months ago

I don't get that song.