~woo 100 page hits!~

Posted by Majatek on May 6, 2008, 8:23 p.m.

Oh yeah, now that I have done lotsa art I suppose I better show the link to where my artstuff is!:


If you need art for a particular game, show me the game and I will judge whether it is good enough for my art.

I can draw cars, alien characters, furry's/scalie's, machinery, manga/anime/chibi, environments, space-ships - just about anything except well propportioned humans,I know, sad right? |3

I am also found on the GMC as RamboFox FYI. So far I have been upgrading my car physics game. Far enough to say that I think I should post a demo. But I wont. I'll post a different example. Something asked by some n00b on the GMC that did not reply to me for a month after I submitted my example… :X

Somehow the example that I posted on the 64d's page dissapeared into the blue yonder of the 'net. I have no idea where it has gone!!! X(

http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=1647 (BSOD article for randomness)

Stupid net'. </3

"Yay! I won! Wait, whut bsod? lol" <Epic fail

"GRAAAAAH! BSOD!!!!!!!!!!"



By now.


My DA page link had a typo, fixed now. Thx to AlertGames


dAnIeLlE 16 years, 10 months ago

what are hits?

DesertFox 16 years, 10 months ago


Yes, I'll do it again, for more effect.


PY 16 years, 10 months ago

TWO desertfoxes?

Oh wait, one of them isn't.

Nighthawk 16 years, 10 months ago

Gah! So many foxes!

*Is glad that his favorite airplane is the Nighthawk, and isn't called the Nightfox. o_O*

Majatek 16 years, 10 months ago


Ps, Hello DesertFox. O_O'

PS, Atomic'Shroom

Arrogant? >_>