Posted by Majatek on Oct. 9, 2010, 12:18 a.m.


All my games, examples, and old images are deleted off of 64Digits? WRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY???!!?


Ah well, I'll just have to fill it up with more awesome content that is soon to be completed! Ever had troubles with walls? Did you ever wish for smooth wall sliding, pixel perfect collisions, and an accurate bounce engine?

Well, my most recent of Polygonal Wall collisions is almost complete - All I have to do is to write a small tutorial on how to use it, make some examples, zip it, and upload it here.

Oh, and I currently have only Gm8 on this machine. Please, tell me whether you have Gm8 or not (So that if you don't have Game Maker 8, I can make the examples on my other PC that HAS Game Maker 6 and 7)

I think I might just end up coding it in Game Maker 6.1, to finally add other ports of it for 7 and 8.


noshenim 14 years, 4 months ago

It happened during a server change. I think that only 5000 files could fit into each folder or something (that was probably in a different server change)

I use gm6 because I couldn't upgrade my key. I use lateral gm to convert files, but I always like to not have to do that.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

Then it has been decided! I'm doing this project in Game Maker 6, but I will host the same example in different formats for other users.

Zaron 14 years, 4 months ago

I use GM8 because I'm too lazy to learn a real language but too stubborn to give up native 32-bit image support because I like that shit.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Most people don't have GM8 so it's best to do examples in GM7 or lower.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

Just to let you know Cyrus, I have indeed bought GM8 (And GM6) but I recently bought a new PC and decided against retrieving my key (From my other, older PC), so I just use the crack (For GM8 - I've still got my key from Game Maker 6 :D).

Funnily enough, the cracked version of Game Maker 8 is portable, and as such I can use it wherever I want (Even at schools that don't allow me to install stuff).

But from now on, let's keep this clean. No more talking about this kind of stuff, okay?

PS: Ferret and KaBob799 are going to kick your ass :P

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

KaBob might though =3

Naw, it's okay - I actually find it hilarious how tough the mods are over in GMC. It's tight there…

Good thing though that we know better about certain things.

Like not talking about illegal software. :P


Illegal cracks, derp derp.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Wait why would I kick Cyrus's ass?

noshenim 14 years, 4 months ago

I remember that luda gave me a few levels of warn for mentioning that gm6 serial keys could be easily found through google. Why does luda have a warning level? I miss luda :(..

If you want to avoid nostalgia, don't look at luda's page.. badges :/

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

I remember that I got banned twice in 64Digit's history - but for what, I forgot.


I reckon it was just me being a noob back then. Well, things have changed, and I've grown up, moved on, and learned how to not be a noob.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Some people who are currently in the game industry told me two things. First off, a portfolio is as important (if not more in some cases) as schooling. Secondly, a game made in Game Maker isn't going to be frowned upon. It's still game design experience, no matter what language you use.

Also, C++ and Javascript/Lua are some of the most popular languages.