Furrys, drama, and retro gaming.

Posted by Majatek on Oct. 21, 2010, 10:57 p.m.

Uh, so for the past week or something I've been focusing on my College work and practically screwing over my E-life when it comes to relationships on other websites catered for furries, made by furries (Like anyone wants to know).

Well, they liked to call me names whenever I was right and they didn't want to agree with me - funny how the ways of the internets work.

Anyway, I'm working on my project - I'm fixing allot of the code in that car game back in my previous journal, and I'm completely re-doing it because I've found countless of problems. Now that I've got a project heading, I have created the title graphic… Although it looks rather half-arsed and not worthy of posting on 64Digit's.

And… I really need a tutorial on how to make a retro racing game title/logo. I'm surprisingly terrible.

And if anyone can sprite some race car BG's (Not sprites, but sprite art that would fill a 640x480 screen) or link me to some examples, that would be great.

Aside from that I don't really have much to update upon except that I got a SUPER FRICKIN SWEET COMPUTER.

Windows 7 Pro,

Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz 2.79GHz

Nvidia GeForce GTX 460

Installed memory (RAM): 12 GB

64-bit OS

I haven't really stress tested it, but it certainly feels nice being unrestricted when it comes to programming games. C:

And this is what it looks like: http://64digits.com/users/RamboFox/MyWorkspace.png

And one final thing - if you know any RETRO top down racers (Like, before the GTA era) that are similar to Thrash Rally (Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about) please post it's name here - I need as many references to be inspired from.


Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

An i7 / 20gb RAm with a 460? Why not a 480 or 5870/5970? I would've at least gotten two 460s in SLi, since they scale pretty fucking well.

….or was it a prebuilt? (Or do you plan on upgrading the graphics card very soon, but not the rest?)

Edit: Is that your case? I hope your case really doesn't have BLUE LED fans…

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

That grizzly bear in the picture is a dashing young fellow.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

I was short on cash for at least that, but it works - it has the power to do what I want, and it's up to date so I'm happy.

Nah, got the parts seperate, then had to plug it all together - heck, it was a cinch - much like playing with lego considering how modular all the pieces were (Apart from the wires that needed to be plugged in and such).

And I got the blue led fans, they look cool - and they don't really bother me. Actually, out of all the options, the case was the best choice when it came to choosing what hardware was to fit in it.

Thanks Kilin - I like my hair long. Otherwise I wouldn't look like a rock/metal fan, and I'd look gay or something.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

My desktop has colored leds on its main fan, but its on the back so you can't really see it. Plus I never use it because my laptop is so much better.

Majatek 14 years, 4 months ago

Cool, unfortunately a laptop that's as powerful, or more powerful than a desktop system was out of my price range.

Okay, the topic is now about top down retro racing games in the style of Thrash Rally. Discuss.

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

Why didn't you just get a AMD Phenom II x4 945 for like half the price of that i7 (or was the i7 on sale a lot?) and then get a second 460?

…or get 6gb of RAM? (I'm guessing your motherboard is triple channel since you got 12gb?)

Alert Games 14 years, 4 months ago

because some people like intel.

however i like amd because their cheaper and i had no problems

Rob 14 years, 4 months ago

I could understand liking Intel back in the days of the Core2Duo, but right now the price:performance ratios are pretty funny.

however i like amd because their cheaper and i had no problems