Here's what it looks like in Windows, that doesn't sort out files or load files that only match the attributes:
Screenshot of WindowsHere's the download:
Well, quite a while ago, a user by the name of Chaz (I don't know whether it was a post on 64Digits or on the GMC) opensourced/released a file browser that lists files within the game executable - no WinAPI features involved. I found that topic, and saved the .gmk to my HD thinking that I might use it later on - 2 years later, I move to my new Windows 7 machine, and I end up going through all my old game maker games, examples, and WIPs, and I chanced upon this, and decided that I should develop this and see what I could do with it.
So in the end, I fixed quite a few bugs, glitches, and dependency issues that Chaz didn't work out, and made it much more streamlined. It now works as it should - loading only the files you want instead of a giant soupscrew of files :D
I'm not sure whether the 64Digits Chaz is the one who's mentioned in the example/filefinder, but I guess this is his 64Digits profile;
ChazOh, and don't fawn over me too much - I only made it work slightly better. I thought you guys (and gals!) might like it, so yeah, I'm posting it as a blog instead of an example (Because I do not have the full rights to it).
IN OTHER NEWS:I'll be using the file browser you see above in my Retro Racers Reloaded game that… Should be done in about 4 weeks. All I have now is the physics, the title, and the file browser that I'll be using for the profile management.
Grrrhh so much to do, so little time.
I've got a flu, it sucks, because I got this annoying cough. I expect you guys to
feel sorry for me and asspat me in the comments section not care and gank that file manager in a split second.
Speaking of split second…. I want the game. But I only have an Xbox360 - which I bought for Halo REACH. Which isn't that great of a game. Well, I'll keep it for when I get enough money to buy GTA4 or whatever.
*edit* It looks like there's a Split Second for Xbox 360 as well. HAPPY DAYS!
Aaaand… This Christmas I might be getting a brand spanking new scanner. It will be awesome because I'll be able to scan my art and shiz. I already got a new tank-ass scooter that's apparently bullet proof. That'll get me to places and such - the last scooter I abused ended up spitting it's rear axle out while I was
riding thrashing it. Yeah, I'm pretty extreme.
ABUSINGTHECRAPOUTOFTHESTRIKEOUTTAGLULZI'll post a picture of my desktop later on when I get access to a camera. You've already seen my face. Look at my older journal (Next page) if you've missed it.
Come to think about it… This blog has the most content any blog on 64Digits had for a… while… I guess… Now I'm just feeding my ego guis.
/Halloween two days ago
So i guess the obvious question, why have this file browser?
Also I agree Halo Reach is only average, and if they werent to release more stuff to earn, id be done playing by now.You do realize that Game Maker most likely uses WinAPI for the functions you are using?
@ Alert Games: Why have the file browser? So that if I use a different resolution like 320:240, you don't get massive windows loading boxes.
I don't see why people are going OMG HALO REACH IS BEST GAEM EVAR!1!1one. It's not too bad, but it's definitely not the best.Perhaps I'm not enough of a Halo fantard… Hmmm… Must investigate further…@ sir Xemic: True, but the fact is that it's creating a list of files in scripts within the executable - it doesn't use external Windows functions to open files or folders.I think the point sirXemic was making was that while, no, you're not explicitly calling them, you're still calling them behind a layer of abstraction, and calling it a WinAPI-free browser isn't truthful.
Well, you may be right, but when I meant WinAPIless, I meant that it doesn't use Windows for graphically browsing files. Sorry for confusion/whatever else.