I win.
Also, I've managed to compile a working demo of a very basic platformer engine that I shall be using in another one of my games - I really should be focusing on the Retro Racers game, but I gotta do something with AI other than car physics.

Currently it has no AI, one weapon (A pistol) bottomless clip (Because I couldn't be bothered coding it yet) and messy, messy code. I need to redo everything that I have so far, but the platforming physics is pretty much what I want it to be. There's variable height-jumping and smooth platforming, so you never get stuck or something. This will certainly become useful when I add a level creator.
Oh, and I did all the character/HUD/weapons/animated sprites myself.
Download DemoThere may be a few glitches here and there, but I dunno - it works pretty well so far. Have a play, and tell me what you think.
And of course, there will be different character models to choose from (Like human skins and such) - so you won't be stuck as a generic dog thing in the final version. Also, I will be adding bots and such, so it will play much like Counter Strike - With smarter bots, though.
MY EYES…engine looks nice though.Hmmm… Already found a glitch that causes the player to sink through the ground - it only ever happens on a ladder though.
You win the award for cleanliest desktop (I don't see any icon on it) and for best illusional wallpaper.
You win the confusion award because I can't tell where the actual icons end and where the wallpaper begins.