3D not enough? Do you want 4D?

Posted by Majatek on Nov. 11, 2010, 5:59 a.m.

Heck no.

But some tard wasn't happy enough with having just 3 dimensional space, so he wants to make a game with a 4 dimensional space. This being on the Game Maker Community, is rather predictable.



Oh, and today I passed my Multimedia course this year with flying colours - Regor2012 (He goes by that username in and around the internets) is my teacher for the course, and he suggested that I should take a look at game design - 2 or 3 weeks more, and someone from some magical far away land will beam down to Hobart and show me some cool stuff and maybe kick start me into getting a job at a games producer, or at least into professional games design.

So yeah, I've got pretty much all the free time I want now - I've been achievement hunting in Halo REACH, which actually is starting to piss me off at how easy it is compared to the achievements in Halo 2 or 3. It just felt so empty when I got the Firestarter medal (Amongst with the rest). I only became an Ultra a couple of days ago playing REACH because I just managed to play the whole campaign, forge, and some firefights offline due to the simple fact that I didn't really find the game that amazing to play 24/7 - just think about all those people who say "Oh yeah, I unlocked everything within the first week of the release of REACH". It just saddens me to think how much of a tryhard they all are. I consider myself a fairly apt player, and here we have people saying that they done something sooner than me within a week as opposed to me doing it in about a couple of days due to me not doing much, or paying much attention to it.

And uh… That's about it I guess - I gotta work on art commissions that my friends requested and such, so I'll be doing work like that. Oh, and the Retro Racers Reloaded game is now on smooth sailing mode - AI is fixed, all I have to do now is to make the rest of the game.



Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

we see two 2D projections and then interpolate the 3D reality
It's the same concept as when you go to a 3D movie. I wonder what it would be like to naturally see 3D projections.

Cesar 14 years, 3 months ago

Oh his statement is correct. Our eyes do only see 2D in this world. The brain just combines images from both eyes to make a 3D image.

Quietus 14 years, 3 months ago

so if two eyes could produce 3d images it would stand to reason you could perceive 4d with them, much like a hypercube is made out of cubes.

my brain just melted..

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

But then of course you'd somehow have to have eyes that physically take light photons and sort them into the right co-ordinates within a cube mesh, and then send the relevant signals to our brain.

Physically, that is impossible - light cannot pass through one object, not be captured, and then become captured in a specific point within, say, a glass cube.

But I wonder how everything would look like then… Perhaps things would extrude into your vision, or you'd be able to notice the grains on a strip of sandpaper.

noshenim 14 years, 3 months ago

I would think that you should see a 3D cross-section of the 4D world with other sections being kinda onion-skinned a bit. I'll try to throw something together =) cool =D mmhmmhm

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

Hah! Well maybe we can make something that looks reminiscent of a 4 dimensional space. :P

noshenim 14 years, 3 months ago

I've been trying 1D versions of 2D…



Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

Whoah, that's trippy.

It's also rather playable - I like the way that blocks that are near to you become half-opaque/transparent, but the blocks that are next to you are fully opaque. Very functional!


Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

Oh his statement is correct. Our eyes do only see 2D in this world. The brain just combines images from both eyes to make a 3D image.

Like I've been telling my friend sirXemic on the irc the other day, I don't believe in depth perception. *

Or maybe I'm the only human being who can safely walk around with one of his eyes closed without bumping into walls, or, indeed, seeing any major difference in vision (aside from the obvious fact of getting my visual image from one source rather than two).

* Or at least not the stupidly simplified version you provided. Har har. Depth perception is a faculty of the mind, not of the eyes, and stereopsis is merely one of the elements facilitating it)

Cesar 14 years, 3 months ago

…because the brain creates shortcuts that allows for depth perception using incomplete details. So the brain can create assumptions on where you are in space from just one eye being open.