Posted by Majatek on Nov. 18, 2010, 12:15 a.m.

I found out why I was banned just today (I was banned from that art website a while ago), as I got a reply from some derpy moderator that was trying to explain why I was suspended from that art website I was bawwwing about a couple of days ago.


Lol at FA admins giving me a timeout for "bashing gays", even though I just got out of a fight with religious folks who were actually bashing gays, and that I was actually defending [the gays and gay groups]. Gotta love incompetent mods sticking up for each other.

If I wasn't suspended for being a homophobe, then what was I really banned for? Did a religious mod get angry at me, or what?

Well, anyway…

So far, I've been waiting for 2 days for the moderator's response, and I can safely say that I won't be unsuspended by the moderator, but rather the system once the counter runs out in about a day or two (Retarded, I know, it just shows how slow and incompetent the moderators over at FA are).

Also, I've been working on my Retro Racers game - I've added some sounds (Car engine with gear changing, collisions sounds and skidding sounds) so the project is coming along quite nicely. :D

I've also been hanging out with my mates, forging new maps in Halo REACH, and other generally douchebaggery stuff like dicking around in, yet again, Forge. Man, the stuff that happens is crazy - I have no idea how a team of people can co-operate to work on one map idea when I have enough trouble with another one of my mates (And when I say "I have enough trouble" I mean, I'm the trouble maker).

Oh, and back to game making and stuff related to that - one more week, and I'll have an interview with some games producer from some magical mystical land to help me along with my multimedia related stuff.

I'll be adding to this blog (maybe) over the next hour with possible updates.

I might end up adding moving obstacles to that car game in the end, along with powerups and unique track features. Over glorified? Yes. Frustrating? Yes. Arcadey? Hell yes.

And remember guis, NO HOMO HATIN' - it gets j00 banned! (Even though I wasn't a hater on anything in the first place)


Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

oh yeah, I got banned from GameSpot also. for "intentionally causing a flame war", even though i specifically said it was just a disscussion, and im not trying to start anything.

but then i left and never went back to those retards.

Kamira 14 years, 3 months ago

You are awesome because you still play Halo Reach even though Blackops is out. I hate how little Reach is being played, I remember being able to play 24/7 custom games with friends a year after halo 3 came out, but I've only done a couple custom games on Reach. Reach is at least a bit different from the rest of its series, unlike Blackops (which is a good game, but nothing new).

LoserHands 14 years, 3 months ago

Halo is always fun with company. I could never get addicted to it solo though. CoD is my drug. Tryhard ftw bro.

Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

I'm going all back through the solo campaign on Halo1 and 2…just because they're fun. CoD? nah…couldn't do it.

flashback 14 years, 3 months ago

True, this is the only site I've ever been on that isn't filled with powerhungry assholes like the GMC is.
*clears throat*

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

We have a few here, but Flashback is our local power-hungry asshole.

flashback 14 years, 3 months ago

It's what I do.