Posted by Majatek on Nov. 23, 2010, 9:55 p.m.

Actually, no, I'm not joining that ragequit fad. Noobs.

Oh, and remember how I was banned from that art site some time ago? I got unbanned. You want to know wh- Actually, I know you don't care, but the fact is that the moderator THOUGHT I did something from MEMORY. I was banned for a self-made rumor (whut).

Retro Racers Reloaded's car physics and AI has been finalized. All I need to do now is make some stage-select menus and make some racetracks. :D

Also, I've been working on a fan-journal for Halo REACH.

This is the "low-res" version of what I have in progress (The full completed journal will be filled with facts and shiz, uploaded at twice the size you see below in high-quality *.png files)

A special collection of tit-bits most of you would not know of the Halo universe. Of course, this was given to me as a small project to work on for the next 3-4 weeks. It will feature both a detailed diary of the on-goings of the fall of Reach, secrets, tips, and various detailed introductions to levels that you might be having trouble with trying to pass it on Legendary.

It will feature spoilers, cross references to Halsey's journal, and other leaked pieces of information that you might have missed.

As a bonus, I have been working on the deconstruction of the Sangheilian language - that being said, it will contain the most used words in combat, so, for those who play as the Elites, will be able to role-play (If you wish) with the actual words that the Sangheilians use. You might even use it in literature, comics, or when you wish to quote another Elite in their' respective language.

Also, as I am an artist, I will be working on sketches, and detailed plans of certain levels that would present troubles to most gamers.

The cover of it has already been created, and the page layout has been decided - I have already filled 10+ pages (Each opposite page to the hand-written journal entries will have sketches, plans and such).

In other news, I would like to point out what has begun to start as a new "cool" trend - that is, "greifing" in online games. This is annoying not only because it has been done over so many times before, it is also extremely uncreative, unfunny, and… Well it just plain sucks. It's barely labeled as trolling, and is usually backed up by bullshit and lame counter-arguments.

Here, have a look at an good example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AiQUrCSCDk

I would gladly be caught up in one of those episodes one day just to bag the shit out of the griefer. Honestly, it's not funny (For anyone except the greifer who greif'd). So stop greifing in online games like Justine Beiber.

What do you think about noobs whining in online games so that they can record the reactions to later on post it on YouTube and become popular? Discuss.


LoserHands 14 years, 3 months ago

Haha, how was that griefing? Theres a mute button anyway. :D

I wish more people had mics on PSN, that was great.

colseed 14 years, 3 months ago

*resists temptation to go out and get a 360 just to pwn said noobs*

There should be a gaming group with the specific aim of taking down these kinds of players…

I hear this method works well: http://www.gamebrood.com/2010/04/04/battlefield-bad-company-2-how-to-deal-with-campers/


Eva unit-01 14 years, 3 months ago

That Halo thing sounds cool…I'm a sucker for those kinds of things…then again I'm a Halo universe geek.

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

It isnt funny, but in halo its fun to get mad at people and be obnoxious for no reason. Its halarious.

Like this one time me and my friends were ripping on this canadian chick playing about everything, but then we ended up playing for 3 hours with her. so funny.

Kamira 14 years, 3 months ago

I need to get around to reading Halsey's journal, and the 4 or so Halo books I haven't read yet.

I can't stand the average people on xbox live, that's one reason why I hated MW2 because it forced you to be in game chat.