Wait, MineCraft has NOTHING to do with Voxels, so why is it in the title? Well, Minecraft tries to fake voxels through the use of lots and lots of cubes - but to be fair, that isn't true voxels.
Scott_AW got me thinking over his journal entries and voxels, and I had a little peek at one website or another, and came up with this:

Dat voxels.
It comes from the beautiful Voxlap engine that was supposed to be released with Duke Nukem 3D, but unfortunately it wasn't completed by the time Duke Nukem 3D was sold to the public - Scott_AW knew of that (I didn't until now) and he decided to implement Voxlap (He's working on some cool things, so check his 64D page out)!
http://www.advsys.net/ken/voxlap/voxlap05.htmHere's a page with demos:
http://www.advsys.net/ken/voxlap.htmAnd finally, I give you the link to the Destructible Dave Demo (You'll want to run "genall.bat" once you've extracted all of the files to create the 120 or so megabytes of game data for the levels and then run any of the "run#.bat" examples for different maps and shiz).
http://64digits.com/users/RamboFox/DestructibleCaveDemo.zip(Oh, and you might want to press "Y" to uninvert the camera look controls)
Yeah, voxels kicks the utter shit out of Minecraft.
Now, all we need to do is to wait for games to begin utilizing this awesomeness.
Hovertank 3d uses Voxels, that's why it's the best GM game ever.
Hovertank 3d looks like it uses polygons.
I haven't seen any Voxels in Hovertank 3d - care to point out where the Voxels make their appearance?^lol I thought that would be the case.
OMG dude. FRED FREDICKSON INVENTED VOXELS. And 3d games. Don't disrespect yo.
Oh sk8 is just trolling.
Fred didn't invent Voxels. Stop being a noob/failtroll, sk8, or we shall pronounce you a newfag.
Voxels and the method as to how to obtain them were created long before Fred even began to program and loooong before sk8 began to think logical thoughts.
Obligatory meme is obligatory.Bitch, my dick is made of voxels. Whenever I walk past people they see me lagging cause the world cant render my huge throbbing cock.
What's the advantage of using voxels anyway. If it was so useful, wouldn't more games make use of them? I don't know much about them, so I ask.