Lulz, PSN, and a dream. :0

Posted by Majatek on May 8, 2011, 10:56 p.m.

PSN - Advertized as unhackable.

Yeah, the Titanic was also supposedly "unsinkable"

Look where it is now - Miles underneath the ocean, rusting on the sea floor.

I almost went on a rant about how the PSN is no better than the Xbawx, lol. Well, on a slightly happier note, and slightly related to the sea, I've been working on a massive spritesheet for a personal secret project. Okay, not really secret - I'm thinking of making an AR PEE GEE based off of several of my dreams.

And how is the RPG that is based off of my dream related in any way to the irony of the Playstation Network and my Titanic reference? Well;

In one of my dreams, I found myself on an Island in the middle of the ocean, which went on infinitely in all directions - Facing one, however, and I could see a thin strip of what was a huge wall that spanned the horrizon, East to West. In between "my" Island, and that distant wall, there was 3 large platforms, each succeeding in size in doubles - The first platform, was as large as a two-story house, and was a cylinder, except for the fact that it was an octagon-shape extruded out of the sea, made out of metal and stone (It looked like that for some reason), with the other two succeeding in size twice over.

Somehow I managed to jump from platform to platform (which really was an interestingly feat in itself considering how physicially impossible it was to jump that far), to finally reach the last octagon platform. The wall, all of a sudden, was not a wall, but a Gigantic gothic-looking building that stretched from end to end of the sea - Walking inside, I realized that it wasn't just any building-

It was a library. Of infinite size, with infinite knowledge.

Then I woke up.


S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

I don't recall PSN ever being advertized as unhackable, lol

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago
Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations. You are now the most popular person on the 64Digits active users list.

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

Inoriet. :3





Qwildrenasdfklklb goddamnit how to spell his name







Does this count as spam?

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

It's always you and like two other people.

And it's up to you what's spam on your own blog.

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

Well, let me rephrase what I said;

Is it spam in the active users list?

And yeah, I've noticed how it's only me and a couple of others that constantly break 64digits. =D

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

We need a badge.

"I broke 64digits and lived to tell the tale!"

LoserHands 13 years, 9 months ago


I was hoping the only real difference between Live and PSN was not the hackers' motives.

Duty Calls goddammit.