I've wasted (so far) 10 memberpoints trying to set my custom active user's icon to this awesome little 10 by 10 pixel-art sprite icon:

I've wasted (so far) 10 memberpoints trying to set my custom active user's icon to this awesome little 10 by 10 pixel-art sprite icon:
I see JID's icon. I do not see RamboFox's
@JID: That's cool ^_^
@S3xySeele: Darnit, what the hell is going on withv2v3.Try refreshing the page?^_^
Also thisHmmm.
We'll wait then. We'll wait and see.Mine works.
I can see that, but does mine? I see it on my end - do you see it on your end?
JuurianChi's ain't working for me.
Yeah, I can see it now.
It's exactly what you posted in your blog.I see it now too.