I drew a self portrait

Posted by Majatek on May 16, 2011, 8:15 p.m.

Of me.

Damnit it's hard drawing ears without a mirror at hand.

Small corrections were made in Paint.Net to make the hair look more like hair.

Yeah, and I've been working on that TDS again - I've added 3 different ways to scope (gasp!):

Hip fire: Basic run around aiming mode, the least accurate (bloom usually set to max)

Shouldered: More accurate, but slows you down

Scoped: The most accurate, but the weapon's recoil comes into play here.

I've also been working on the story for the TDS, and I've settled upon a name for it:

Common Fate.


Moikle 13 years, 9 months ago

damn, i gotta play it again

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

Man I haven't played that game in eyons because I got stuck at the level where you're supposed to prevent the asteroid from colliding with the planet (When you're inside it).

That rotating bridge on that level fucked me up real good. I couldn't pass it, ever.

Even when I try to fly using Light Jak.


But then again that was ages ago, so if I find the game again I'd probably beat it easily.

Man that game is awesome.

The races… Oh man the fights… All of it so awesome…

Praying Mantis 13 years, 9 months ago

Hah! You do look like Jak.

I forgot how awesome that game was too… The story was kind of cruddy, and some parts were cheesy, but the humour was brilliant (at least for me as a kid it was), and gameplay: excellent.

I loved just using the booster or jumping car and just racing around the desert, I found a few nicely angled hills which would result in massive airtime when jumping.

Did anyone play Jak X? The Ai was silly in the races, but the battles were endlessly fun, especially when you had a multiplayer port with 4 people playing. Good times.