Thank you, internet!

Posted by Majatek on May 23, 2011, 1:44 a.m.

Damn I love this retarded crap - It makes utterly no sense at all, is highly amusing, and is a great time waster! =D

Oh yeah, in about one hour from now I'll be officially be working on sprites for JID, while at the same time (I dunno how I'll do it) I'll be working on a weapon system for Common Fate.

That, and hopefully get some Call of Duty Black Ops time later on in the afternoon.

Additionally I'd like to ask you all a question - I'm adamant on including a rewards system and a keycode unlock system for special users.

That is, I'll be having a secret upgrade code that I'll be giving out to those who are 64Digiteers.

Are there any bbcode or something for this site so that a particular piece of text can be only visible to logged in members?


Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Then care less.

Pixar's a great family-oriented studio, possibly making some of the best-quality movies I've seen to date. Even Up, which I thought would be terrible, turned out very well.

LoserHands 13 years, 9 months ago


2 is my least favorite.

death 13 years, 9 months ago

when i was what… maybe 10? when Toy Story came out, i thought it was a decent film. now that i'm older, i don't see why i would enjoy children movies any more, never really did to begin with anyway. i'm not sure if there's quality in Pixar, with their choice of voice actors, beyond unfunny jokes and typical dialogue, it's hard for me to be entertained by such films… animations are great though… though im not sure if this blog is about pixar so i'll stop commenting about that xD

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Pixar's a great family-oriented studio, possibly making some of the best-quality movies I've seen to date. Even Up, which I thought would be terrible, turned out very well.

when i was what… maybe 10? when Toy Story came out, i thought it was a decent film. now that i'm older, i don't see why i would enjoy children movies any more, never really did to begin with anyway. i'm not sure if there's quality in Pixar, with their choice of voice actors, beyond unfunny jokes and typical dialogue, it's hard for me to be entertained by such films… animations are great though… though im not sure if this blog is about pixar so i'll stop commenting about that xD
Maybe you have to learn to appreciate the hard work and amount of time filmakers have to spend in order to make an animated movie, that and all the eye candy that rapes your eyes with deliciousness.

death 13 years, 9 months ago

it's not like i don't respect them and what they do, i just don't like their films =P

sure the graphics and animations are top-notch but the films themselves are typical - IMO.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Ah, you're still in that teen state, between liking movies as a kid because they're fun, and appreciating movies as an adult for the amount of work they required along with the story.

Don't worry, we were all there before. When you start tearing up at movie and game stories, you're truly an adult.

Kamira 13 years, 9 months ago

A day of work at Pixar produces about 7 seconds of film.

LoserHands 13 years, 9 months ago

Should he cry at the merit when he's an adult..?

Because I think the same of the stories. :P

death 13 years, 9 months ago

hey i've cried at films (even anime), i'm a big drama fan =D

but only if it's really REALLY good acting with a semi-unique plot =P

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

I don't know why I thought that someone was gonna die at the end of Toy Story 3.