Oh hey, I'm not dead.

Posted by Majatek on May 31, 2016, 6:18 a.m.

Hey all at 64Digits, remember this fossil from the past?

I don't really go by "RamboFox" anymore, and I've been mostly busy with life while occasionally trying to focus on my latest game project - which explains my absence.

I don't have much to show because, well, I had to take life slowly thanks to too many things to talk about here. Seriously, life's been a bit crazy.

EDIT: Oh dear.

Oh dear what happened to this… Guy? He's using a real photo of his real self? S'horrifying. Well at least his name is updated - he used to be "RamboFox". And he's speaking in third person here because he's a huge dweeb. Change it back. CHANGE IT BACK! D:

EDIT 2: To actually talk about things that might be of note, I've hooked back up with a childhood friend of mine. We used to hang out in High School of all places and try and make games with Clik-n-Play. Yep. We're now currently working on a scifi shooter/hack-n-slash with interplanetary exploration. I'll reveal more as I have more to show - currently the only things finished is the base movement and collision systems.

Gee, game development is SLOW. I also gained a bit of RSI due to being OLD. Beyond that, while I no longer really use my fox 'sona as a front to my image as much as I used to, he's still a character and a part of me. Expect to see art of him sometime.


Majatek 8 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, that's me! Gosh, bringing back those memories. Never did manage to finish my house in Minecraft. :'D

It's great to see you as well, SpectreNectar! And I do plan on staying. I've been workin' on improving my coding skills (while, yes, I'm still using Game Maker, I don't really see any reason not to just yet!)

Cpsgames 8 years, 9 months ago


Phoebii 8 years, 9 months ago

Positive thing.

Majatek 8 years, 9 months ago

Hey Cyrus! <3

Thanks for all the greetings and such from all. Hopefully I'll be able to polish up a few things that I will share at a later date (I've seriously spent way too much time and effort on a one script movement system that supports multiple inputs to not do so).

Ferret 8 years, 9 months ago

Oh shiz it's RamboFox! Never thought I'd see you here again D:

DesertFox 8 years, 9 months ago

*looks down at the charged defibrillator he's holding*

Sooooo… we don't need this?

S3xySeele 8 years, 9 months ago

You're not dead? What a twist!

Good job, M. (Night Shamalamalan)

aeron 8 years, 9 months ago

I have changed your name per your request. Just a side note, you will need to log out and back in with the new name.

Welcome back, Majatek!

Majatek 8 years, 9 months ago

Many thanks! I was wondering why I was getting a SQL error. Ignore my PM. :'D

Now, to update my profile and appearance to better match the newer, better me!

EDIT: I'll actually go and rest up for now. I'll leave you to be terrified over my new appearance (WIP) and that my hair is wavy and ridiculously photogenic.

DesertFox 8 years, 9 months ago

Onoes, I'm never going to remember who you are now :< Durn namechanges.

*waves in the breeze, along with Majatek's hair*