The little girl is six. Six is the devils number.

Posted by Makato on Sept. 24, 2005, 12:23 p.m.

My lil' sister has turned six today. She's really cute, when she's not attack me. She has this new obession with licking me to bother me. It's really disturbing. Thank god I can fight her off. >-> It's almost 1 o' clock and I said I would do my essay today. Blech. Then I have to study for a test on Tuesdau and right a poem on an abstract concept, like love. What is up with love anyway? It's amazing at times, and can be the most wonderous feeling in the world, and then other times it feels as if you should just curl up in a corner and die. Of course I wouldn't know this first hand, I've never been in a relationship before. ^_^; Eheh…yeah. Sad. Oh well. It'll happen one day… maybe when my little sister isn't under the influence of the devil number. *Looks around cautiously*

By the way, Michelle, if your reading this, I need that movie. ASAP. =) Heheh. FFVII: AC ROCKS! Well, I may post again later, other then that, I've had a bowl of cron bran for breakfast, and a fruit fusion. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm good. Lates. *Poofs into blue smoke*


twisterghost 19 years ago

ooh, blue smoke this time!

too bad about never having a relationship. they are good…while they last

firestormx 19 years ago

For the record, she won't be the number of inperfection for another six hundred and sixty years. =P

Anyway, happy birthday to your sister. =)