DM update 2

Posted by Malaika on April 29, 2006, 8:47 p.m.

Hehe, this looks like its turning into a habit. Maybe I should start posting about other things… well, this IS a gaming blog, and since I'm on holidays I can't post about uni, so…

Danse machina is coming along very well. Thank you to everybody who left comments about the game (and thanks especially for the 9/10 rating :D). I'm currently working on the wall-bouncing issue (I never liked it either, but it was an easy fix) and possibly looking into allowing the player to keep playing while the text rolls (but perhaps not with this one. Remember, there is only so much text because its the TUTORIAL).

Well, if by now you've decided to go and play the demo I submitted, also keep in mind that I've been working on it since uploading. The tutorial level is completely remodelled, and looks a little nicer now. I also fixed the bug that occurs when you release the mouse button in dialogue if you have the servo-arm equipped.

The menu is almost fully functional. I'm going to have to get you guys to try it out and tell me what you think (when I upload the new demo). I think its kinda cool, but a little maze-like perhaps…

There are now FIVE weapons, each able to be fitted to the left or right hardpoint. I plan to allow weapons to be upgraded throughout the game, or perhaps just the level.

-SERVO ARM- A useful item that lets you use consoles and pick up small objects.

-MINIGUN- The weapon you get in the demo. An inaccurate ballistic weapon.

-PULSE RIFLE- An energy weapon. It's more accurate and does more damage than the minigun.

-LASER RIFLE- A continuous beam of energy that is very accurate.

-MISSILE RACK- Does potentially high damage. Fairly accurate.

At the moment you can't choose your weapon, but I'll change that before I upload the new demo.

Well, I think thats about it for today. I'll get in another update tomorrow, then starting tuesday I can post about other things.


ronnoc 18 years, 9 months ago

Wows, I can't wait for the next demo. I must adimet that I don't like the lighting though, I never liked GrearGods style, I much prefered Jazzus, or whatever his name was.

firestormx 18 years, 9 months ago

Sweeeeet, can't wait to see all the new stuff.