Murphy's Law

Posted by Malaika on May 2, 2006, 4:04 p.m.

Eve was a man, and his name was Murphy. That bastard wasn't content with total harmony and happiness, and just HAD to go and discover the LAWS. Not laws in general, mind, but Murphy's Laws.

I was informed last night by my partner that if I did not turn off one of the two alarms I had set for this morning, then I would receive one as a sopository. So I agreed to switch one off.

Its now 7:52. My alarms should have gone off at 6:30. Still no peep. Its a good thing Uni is a total bludge, or I'd be pissed off.

Anyhoo, after that rant…

For one of my uni classes, we have to make a map for Unreal Tournament 2004 (My course rocks). It has to be bot playable, and cannot be Deathmatch. So I think I'll do a CTF like a battlefield, with trenches and turrets and grassy knolls and stuff. Any suggestions are welcome.

Danse Machina is still cruising along. I've come up with an idea for level 1 so I can get into making that. Its very cool. I've fixed the player death - its now much better than just dropping out of the game. The menus are almost completely functional too, and look nice. A few other little bits and pieces, lots of bug fixes, and you'll get a new demo as soon as there's enough content to go around.

Well, I'm off to uni. I am SO going to be late.


membrain 18 years, 9 months ago

LoL… did you by accident set the alarm to go off in the pm? I can't tell you how many times I've done that only to wake up for work an hour late in cardiac arrest >_<

and your right… make a UT Map, your class does rock xD

no suggestions, just do wut you do and I'm sure all will end well LoL…

I'm out ~1~

neonut99 18 years, 9 months ago

Sweet course!

Firebird 18 years, 9 months ago

Man, when I am older, I am going to take that course.

Make a UT2004 Map? Best. Course. Ever.

Malaika 18 years, 9 months ago

It gets better. Thats just the ID class. The Games Research class now… We walk in, play games, bitch about how they could be better, then leave. Games Design, we make pissy flash games like pong (which takes about 15 mins cos the coding is done for us), Games Programming we're making an Augmented Reality game, that is essentially laser tag but with Splinter Cell and BF2 elements (think paintball with control points, webcams, pressure sensors and trip alarms), Visual Design we DESIGN games (do all the stories and characters and stuff for games we think up) and 3D Design we get to screw around with 3DSMAX, which is kinda cool. My course is awesome.