MMO and TPS reports

Posted by Malaika on May 6, 2006, 9:24 p.m.

Okay, nothing to do with tps reports… Office Space is an awesome movie.

I'm considering making a multiplayer game out of Danse Machina (of course the single-player version will be finished as well). I think it would be cool as a deathmatch style game.

Anyway, I got the Heroes of Might and Magic 5 demo today. I'm installing it now. It looks good though. I'm kind of annoyed that turn-based games don't get as much attention as they used to, especially considering the quality of them nowadays. Look at all of the recent tbs games - Civilisation 4, Galactic Civilisations 2, Heroes 5… They all rate very very well (most ratings are well above 90% too) but they just don't sell as well. Well, its not that I suppose, as Civ 4 sold very well, but there's something about their popularity…

I hate FPS games these days. I haven't played one for ages that was different. None of them have captivating stories or what have you. I did like HL2, but the FPS pool has been diluted with crap games for a long time.

And I don't like TBS companies who think that multiplayer isn't an important aspect of TBS games. As far as I'm concerned, a TBS HAS to have multiplayer for me to really enjoy it. Sure, GalCiv is one of my favourite games, but it would be THE BEST TBS game if it only had hotseat support. So all of you people out there that vote 'no multi' in polls… kill yourselves… kill yourselves so that people who really appreciate what a TBS game is all about can play GalCiv hotseat…

This rant is sponsored by butter… and doritos… i like doritos…


melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago


Office Space

How ironic, I just watched that at school the other day. [:P]

neonut99 18 years, 9 months ago

I'm considering making a multiplayer game out of Danse Machina (of course the single-player version will be finished as well). I think it would be cool as a deathmatch style game.
Go for it. I loved the demo!

JW 18 years, 9 months ago

TBS online should be added anyways, even if you'd have to wait and stuff, screw that!

Anyway, online Danse Machina sounds awesome, you should make loads of cool stuff with the servo-arm, like logging into terminals to activate traps. :D

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

hey. so you need help with making a laser in gm?

Malaika 18 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, well I got one working *kinda* but it could be better. I saw the laser you used and think its AWESOME, so I wanted to know if you could give me an example…?