Mal - the Gamepad

Posted by Malaika on June 15, 2006, 7:05 a.m.

I finally went and got myself a gamepad. Its pretty cool too. It looks like the bastard child of the xbox controller and the PS2 controller, and the flames and skulls all over it confirms its probably the spawn of Satan. But I like it.

I went to Pizza Hut yesterday and they were selling The Sims 2, Battlefield 2 and Need for Speed Most Wanted for 15 bucks, which was awesome. Since the Sims is too damn hard, and I've already got Battlefield 2, I grabbed NFSMW (okay, I actually wanted it anyway…) I gotta say I think I'm addicted to street racing games. Its awesome. I love the police chases. The cops actually use real police tactics to try and bring you down, and the chatter over the radio is awesome. They actually mention the make and colour of your car! Very cool.

I also played Burnout: Revenge for about a week straight on the Xbox 360, and damn that game is awesome. The sheer amount of stars, points, bars, medals and random bonuses you get after each level guarantees you'll be addicted to the flashing lights for ages - and the takedowns are really - and I mean REALLY - cool.

So I had to get myself a gamepad. The Crimson Skull Controller (as it is otherwise known, though I prefer "bastard child") is pretty good for a $15 gamepad (I got it on special at EB Games). Now I need to get my hands on PoP: The Two Thrones, and any other games that play well with a gamepad… hmm…

Anyway, may the bastard spawn of Sony and Microsoft stay true, and not get annoying white stuff under the analog sticks, or beer stains on the buttons… In other words, cya!


Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 8 months ago

Wow that's a long time. Are you that addicted to street racing games. Well Satan spawm huh. Well have have a good time playing your games.

rockyran 18 years, 8 months ago

"Since the Sims is too damn hard"

WTF!!?? How can that be hard? Unless you literally suck at life, there's no way to "lose" in the Sims