Machall Lives Again!

Posted by Master_Kakashi on March 23, 2007, 10:01 p.m.

I kid you not! Machall Has been replaced actually, with "Three Panel soul"

Learning this made my day. I love the artwork, specially when it's colored.

Now for other things:

No! No runes for you. I'm too lazy to finish right now.

As for the Eternal darkness Rune set, it seems that every single time i go to sprite the runes my little sister starts bitching about how I'm on the computer and i can't be on the computer and playing a game on the TV at the same time. it's annoying as fuck, i mean… frick… yeah… frick.

Story Time!

In Math we have this thing called "Baked Goods Friday", someone makes some yummy food and brings it in. I was going to get one of the brownies that were brought in, and i have two scabs on my arms, couple inches long. I had grabbed the brownie, and this girl in my class asked "Are you a cutter?"

I of course am thinking "plastic knife, brownie, cutting. Wtf?" and then i looked at my arm and saw the scabs and was like "Oh, cut, emo." (No. I do not cut myself. Now shut up and read.) And I said "No. I'm not a cutter. Believe it or not, those are from being attacked with a colored pencil."

That's when my math teacher (he's awesome) started up with "What if he was a cutter? you just revealed his secret. *joking starts here*now he's gonna go home and cut himself! *pretending to cut arm*'How did she figure out?!'

Moral of the story, Don't ask someone if they're a cutter nice and loud for the class to hear. XD

Seriously though. I got attacked with a colored pencil, orange no less.


Yeah, have to make this girl an icon, and i keep forgetting to. Well i don't have time to right now.

Speaking of Icons.

What the hell is wrong with the G4 execs?

ok first they got rid of call for help, fresh gear, anime unleashed and other good shows. What for? Street fury, Fast lane, formula D, The manshow, cops, and cheaters? Seriously people.

What they've gotten right? Icons(game makers), star trek(orig and tng, not to mention "v2.0"'s)(and that's iffy) and maybe ninja warrior. oh and AOTS which is about the same as "The Screensavers" if i remember properly.

Oh right… Sorry ^-^'

Um… Uh…

End of line?


RoyalSmacketh 17 years, 11 months ago

Hah. Emo, is a funny word.

DesertFox 17 years, 11 months ago


God I loved that comic!