Here Comes The Cavalry!

Posted by Master_Kakashi on April 15, 2007, 8:43 p.m.

ok, i've been neglecting you all yet again.

I have an excuse this time!

I've been playing games, awesome games.

How do games count as an excuse?

RESEARCH! I've been researching great stories for my story generator… games like Fire Emblem and The Legend of Zelda!

ok that's all a bunch of bs.

But that's what i've been up to.

Alas, spring break has come to a close.

I did happen to get ten boxes of pocky though.

And our kinder eggs have arrived. these ones are from poland though. and the cool toys seem to be less common.(we normally get them from Canada)

oh i maybe in shit, see i played this prank on tarot's stalker. and he caughted me. and yeah… he claims to have filed a report with the police. not that i buy it XD

Um… that's it for now.

i'm off to play fire emblem.

but first! a few words of wisdom!

Never cut yourself when you can cut someone else!

and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! Ever take my pocky. i'll bite your fingers off.


Alpha Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Games like FE and Zelda have sucky stories though… ::/

Master_Kakashi 17 years, 10 months ago

the Fire Emblems have perfectly good stories

And it's less the story and more the setting.