Hi, I have a dutch website called wieditleestisgek.net
That's why I don't fill this blog with some stuff.If you're curious which games I made, click on the 'games'-link left. There is only 1 game yet, but that's better than nothing isn't it?And I'm working on Little Sheriff. You can find the WIP here.With regards or whateverMatsjiht
Welcome to 64digits. Please leave your sanity in the little red box by the door, and don't feed ChIkEn. EVER.
Stop acting like your a somebody.lawl pwnt!1!
*Stop acting like your a somebody.*
i am though…LAWL OWNED!!!1!!11!!!!2!!oneone!!!1!!!eleventy-one!!!1Hehe, Welcome to 64digits? I'm a member for.. like… a year. But thank you anyway.
And I didn't understand lawl pwnt!1!, but that's just me, I think.