Hi, I have no idea if there is a support page or not so i'll just put this here.
I'm writing on the behalf of my cousin whose account is Foner. He says that he is unable to log in to his account and he always gets this error message: "Warning: session_register() [function.session-register]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/u64digi/public_html/header.php:230) in /home/u64digi/public_html/users/point.php on line 10"He wanted me to post this because he couldn't find anywhere that allowed him to get support without first logging in.Okay, Thanks.
I'll alert the admins. Try clearing your cache and cookies.
Thanks for the response. I suggested it so him but he said he had already thought of that but it had no effect. Also, I tried logging in at his house the yesterday and it worked fine, so it's def not anything about his computer.
Could you get him to try again?
He tryed and says the same thing happens :/