Im slippin'

Posted by Meta Chaz on Feb. 26, 2007, 12:29 p.m.

Wow, I keep fininding it harder and harder to work on my games! I cant seem to stay focused or interested for that matter! Today I got to stay home from school due to underclassmen testing purposes and I have only made 2 effects on my game and that is all I have done to it. Look in my last blog for details on the gaming im speaking of ;) Well, I cant complain because I got to stay from school and tommorow I get to do the same. But w/e life goes on. I will post some new and old screenies for you to compare later on after Baseball Practice! Have a good one!


Castypher 17 years, 12 months ago

Inspiration will come…eventually. One of these times, you will begin working on your game(s) again. This happened to me, because I was bored. Maybe get your head out of school for a few minutes. That usually helps me.

abacus 17 years, 12 months ago

when the pie eats the chicken, the game will die.