You've seen the screens of just about everything this demo contains.Since I've gotten feedback on the menu clashing with the relatively low-res graphics, I've implemented an effect which I hope lessens that somewhat. Let me know if it helps any, because I really want to avoid having to make the menus low- res.Controls:WASD or Arrow Keys = D-padJ or Z = A buttonK or X = B buttonSpace = Start
Me and my flatmate were discussing this: If you're going to hi-res some graphics, hi-res them all and if you're going to hi-res all the graphics, you've gotta keep the cartoony aesthetic.
I think you shouldn't high res the graphics at all but I agree with Juju if you are gonna do that then do it to all the graphics. How large do you estimate the game will be with your card library included? Does it still run off an external library?
At the moment, they're external.
One card set is about 4.5 MB, and there are a lot of them. 44 of them if Wikipedia is to believed, which would equal roughly 200 MBHaha I love what everything says, it makes it worth all the exploration.
i got an unexpected error