Got Jizz?

Posted by Misconstruct on Sept. 17, 2010, 11:43 p.m.

I have plenty for everyone!

It feels like it's been a while since I've blogged here, so I figured what the hell.

Um, so… content. Right.

Well, I bought sum anime at the NEX today… Darker Than Black season 1, Initial D first stage and Ghost Hound.

Also, I bought a cheap ass cell phone. It's nothing fancy, doesn't even have a camera… but I get unlimited talk and text for $35 a month. Eventually I'll get something prettier, such as an iPhone 4 or 5 or whatever's out when I decide to upgrade.

Um so yeah, TGS is awesome this year. I've been jizzing nonstop practically. So much awesome GT5 news. And also so much awesome non-GT5 news that I wasn't even anticipating due to the fact that I forgot anything other than GT5 existed.

School's pretty awesome right now, playing with radar systems and whatnot. It gives me a nice warm feeling putting my hand less than a foot away from 9000 volts of win.

What's not awesome is that I failed my physical fitness assessment yesterday by about 10 push-ups. I get to retake it in a week tho, hopefully I'll pass it then. Otherwise I'll lose my automatic advancement to E-4, and I'll be enrolled into a mandatory exercise program thingy. Not cool.

Lots of shit has been changing around base lately, some good but mostly bad. My barracks LCPO is leaving us, and as a result, we've got a new LCPO who likes to make up loads of annoying rules. Also, our barrack's main ladderwell got secured on account of being an asbestos-filled death trap. Nice to know I've spent many hours in there standing watch. And to top it all off, there's no hot water.

On the plus side, uhhhhhhh… Um…

Well, they made the smoke deck all pretty. Shame I don't smoke.

At least I have my video games and anime. And ain't nobody gonna stop me from touching myself.


Ronnica 14 years, 5 months ago


Rob 14 years, 5 months ago

How many push-ups were needed?

Misconstruct 14 years, 5 months ago

46. I haz no upper body strength. =(

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 5 months ago

Quote: holy shit
smoke deck
I was scanning the blog and read this as 'smoke crack'.

Rob 14 years, 5 months ago

Only 36 push-ups? Holy shit, bro. How much do you weigh?

Misconstruct 14 years, 5 months ago

Only 150. lol