Constructive criticism :)

Posted by Misconstruct on Jan. 2, 2011, 12:28 p.m.

Here's the positive things about V3:

Cute anime girl, !sankaku about_to_be_raped

Cool 64 logo with the 6 and the 4 and the coolness

Active users is in real-time

Ok, now here's the bad things:

FFFUUUU- I clicked what I assumed was an underline button when writing this blog, which turned out to be an ERASE EVERYTHING NOW STFU button. So I'm rewriting this. This isn't the only feature which is broken. Even the new features aren't fully implemented, or at least as far as I can tell. There's no way to rate answers to questions you posted in the QDB, for example.

In addition, V3 feels more cramped on my 1920x1080 screen than V2 did on my grandmother's 800x600 screen. That is seriously fucked up shit. I'm all for a shiny new interface, but not when it's this atrocious. A website doesn't have to be big and clunky in order for it to be supershinypretty. The submenus for My Page, Inbox, etc that are accessed via rollovers are pretty damn annoying. And why is it that the Recent Activity menu pops up in the same place as the Active Users menu?

I'm sure I could find more things to bitch about, but these are the areas that I feel really need to be addressed before anything else. Unimplemented features is one thing, but broken features that cause annoyances is unacceptable. And people use high-resolution monitors for a reason: they don't like everything jumbo sized like it's for computer-illiterate morons.


Ferret 14 years, 2 months ago

Where did the anime girl go? D:

She should appear every time you log in or something :(

Alert Games 14 years, 2 months ago

Personally I think to make the site a little better would be to:

make the left area a little smaller, and add a border on both sides of the left sides 1px solid #EEE

Thats my only complaints, besides some things not working such as the inbox deleting messages and stuff. I like all the new features.

Misconstruct 14 years, 2 months ago

Well that's one good thing gone. ;_;

I thought the plan was to improve the site over time, not make it worse. lol

Alert Games 14 years, 2 months ago

I think this is an improvement. It is more friendly to new users, which is probably the goal now. 64D was all the same people, which can be bad if people start leaving.

But I think their goal was 2011, and they werent ready for it :P

But dont worry, they are breaking the site this very second to work on stuff lol.