You just don't do things like that.

Posted by Misconstruct on Jan. 28, 2011, 4:11 p.m.

So one of my fellow sailors who has me added on Facebook posted the following status yesterday:

1st person to like my status -I'll change my last name to yours for a week. 2nd person to like my status -I'll write I love you on your wall for 3 days. 3rd person to like my status -I will answer any question. (inbox only) 4th person to like my status -Can choose my profile pic. (for 1 week) Put this as your status if you're brave enough

You just don't do things like that when you know me. Needless to say, I waited to like his status until 3 other individuals had already done so. So yay me, I got to pick out a lovely new profile pic for him! Of course I wasn't about to tell him to put hentai as his profile pic, so I did the next best thing: Sexually attractive underage anime girl #27, the lovely 14-year-old Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion:

So today's been a pretty damn good day. So good that I didn't mind getting my arm stabbed with needles and having X-rayz being blasted through my cheeks. Face cheeks, of course.

For whatever reason, all us sailors got paid 5 days early. So I went from nearly broke to, uh, well… $800-something dollars less broke. Getting paid early was a nice enough surprise, but the increase in pay due to my advancement to E-3 was equally nice.

I'm leaving this hell hole called Great Lakes on Wednesday for Dahlgren, Virginia. Can't wait to get there, but preparing to transfer is a pain in the neck. Good thing I got a lot of it out of the way today.

A couple days ago I did something I hardly ever do: work on making a game. It's a pretty simplistic platform game, not anything overly fancy. Maybe I'll even submit it to 64digits one day!


Alert Games 14 years ago

Hmmm, i live in a certain state surrounded by lakes too….

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Telling me that is something that you just don't do. My suggestion to you would be to hide. Hide very well.

sirxemic 14 years ago

Sexually attractive underage anime girl #27, the lovely 14-year-old Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion:
Of course a character drawn like that could also just be like 17 years old. The underage-ness isn't visible.

Misconstruct 14 years ago


Quietus 14 years ago

sir Xemic has a point, and it's not like we see a picture of someone and automatically try to determine their age. i think you could have gone racier tbh. losing your touch with the pervertedness James? =P

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Nah, my intentions weren't for the profile pic to be especially pervy. I just wanted him to have a cute anime girl for a profile pic. lol

The Avatrol 14 years ago

Shoulda had him change it to goatsie :O

JuurianChi 14 years ago

You should have him change to Rei instead!

Misconstruct 14 years ago

I can't fap to goatsie. I wish I could, but I can't.

And I considered Rei, but Asuka's my favorite. Her annoying personality makes me want to shove my cock in her mouth to shut her up.

thernz 14 years ago

That sounds fantastic.