6 Hours

Posted by Misconstruct on Feb. 5, 2011, 3:33 a.m.

It's been pushed back twice, but in 5 hours I'll finally be boarding a bus which'll transform into a plane to fly me the hell outta Great Lakes. I'll be leaving some friends behind, but I'll also be rejoining friends who have already transferred to Dahlgren, Virginia.

The 7+ months I spend at Dahlgren should be fairly interesting. And hopefully less snowy than my time here in Illinois.

I hope everything about my transfer goes butter smooth, 'cause it's gonna be a long day regardless. So wish me luck. Or for my plane to explode in midair, Final Destination style. Whichever you prefer. lol


Misconstruct 14 years ago

No. What you did?

Ronnica 14 years ago


Cpsgames 14 years ago

I see what he did thar.

Alert Games 14 years ago

If you lived in michigan, well, only people to be missed.

however i live in michigan :F