Posted by Misconstruct on Feb. 8, 2011, 4:18 p.m.

I'm down to 4 MP so I can't create any more questions.

But if you create some free MP questions, we can all get rich…

1. One user creates question using 10 MP.

2. Two users give A-grade answers, earning 10 MP each.

3. 10 MP becomes 20 MP.

4. ??????


My 40 MP was successfully converted into 80 Bastard Points:

KaBob799: 26 BP

JID: 26 BP

Cyrus: 18 BP

thernz: 10 BP


JID 14 years ago


Misconstruct 14 years ago

Free MP is bad? lol

JID 14 years ago

You haz no moar. :(

Misconstruct 14 years ago

I would have more if other people would help out.

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Does nobody want free MP? Seriously??

Kamira 14 years ago

Since when did troll science work?

KaBob799 14 years ago

I tried to create a question earlier but it kept telling me to choose a section (i already had)

Misconstruct 14 years ago

It's not troll science, it's math and it's how the feature is implemented.

User A, B and C all have 10 MP. 30 MP total.

User A creates a question with his 10 MP.

Users B and C answer said question.

User A divides the question's value evenly among the answers (10/2 = 5 each) and rates them as A which gives the answerers 2x that value (5x2 = 10 MP each)

User A now has 0 MP and Users B and C have 20 each, for a total 0f 40 MP.

It just prints money. Proof:

My 10 MP turned into 10 MP for Cyrus and 10 MP for JID.

I tried to create a question earlier but it kept telling me to choose a section (i already had)
Yeah I had that problem too, there's an OK button you have to press to confirm your choice.

PY 14 years ago

Thanks for spamming the recent activity feed. I also estimate 1 - 2 days before fsx notices and decides to fix it, and 1 - 3 years before it's fixed.

Misconstruct 14 years ago

You're welcome. Bastards.