Posted by Misconstruct on Feb. 14, 2011, 11:07 p.m.

Quit submitting games and stuff, guys. You're making some of us look bad.

Anyway, Valentine's day is just about over. Pretty uneventful, I slept through most of it.

Weather in Dahlgren, VA is starting to get pretty damn nice. This base is a million times better than Great Lakes.

Um so yeah, don't really have anything to blog about. I'm almost out of pop-tarts, so I'll be going shopping tomorrow. Ok then. ttyl


SteveKB 14 years ago

what is this ! DAMIIT I was hoping to see a wall of text so I could skim through it and then post something random at the end if I thought it'd be relevant enough to post but I get this instead?!?! D:< for shame!

adamskii97 14 years ago


Quietus 14 years ago

lmfao meow44 wins.

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Sorry to disappoint, meow44. I rarely ever post walls of text… mostly just walls of images of the shit that I buy.

Eva unit-01 14 years ago

Does anyone else think the commercials for Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Pop Tarts are borderline cannibalism?