Ever since I downloaded this program, making 3d models has never been easier. My earlier games, like Copper's Adventure, Copper's Adventure Expansion Pack, Tech Fighters 1, 2 and 2.5 were all 2d, using a simplistic program, but Anim8or is so useful that I wouldn't want to go back to 2d again(unless I want to). You can have anti-aliasing to smooth out the edges so it wouldn't be so jaggies, but thanks to Game maker, whenever I use bitmaps and j pegs(the only 2 file formats you can export with Anim8or), even when you edit the 3d images with a transparency in the background, it doesn't look right. I do wonder what could solve this problem. The latest games I'm making using this program is Tech Fighters 3 and 3.5, WAR: BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL, and of course, Copper's Strange Adventure. There are many other games I made using 2d that I didn't mentioned, but with Anim8or, I'll plan to create 3d models for platformers, top down shooters, fighting games, and if I'm really going to make a game like this, first person shooters.
Go halo.
Phew…you could use alpha channels within GM to get rid of the croppy edges <,<
I use anim8or too, its a very well-made program. Its very easy to make nice models.
u make ur avatar in anim8or? lol
I'm still contemplating if this blog breaks the one blog a day rule…
Thanks for telling me BlaXun, I'll keep that in mind.
I use Anim8or too. For some of my games such as the Remake of Lorenzo The Comic I, The Comic Wars, Lorenzo The Comic: Mission 3D, and Pepsol I: The Curse of the Toy Lion. Mitu123 was designing the model of the Yuwow while I was doing the texture for it's face.
*Shameless plug* Use Modeler2. It's made for GM. */shameless plug*
Just stop it Lorenzo. We know you're using this sock puppet.
Anim8or is good. Most people just suck at it.