Cake Hurts!

Posted by Moikle on March 20, 2008, 2:10 p.m.

The year eights had a cake sale at school today, everyone likes cake! But cake causes pain! (Please note; I am not trying to ban cake or anything!)

So as soon as our D&T teacher called Mr. Sibley, who is nice, but everyone thinks is a druggy because he stinks of beer and smoke, said that there was a cake sale, everyone ran off to the cakes! I was about half way in the queue at the start, and the crowd was small, but after about a minute of queuing, some chavs at the back decided that it would be fun to make the queue go faster. They pushed, and everyone behind pushed because they thought it to be a bit of fun, but me and the people at the front of the queue on the other hand were not having fun at all. I was at the edge, and I got crushed against the handrail, it was very painful and I had to fight the crowd just as… (Fight as in strain rather than punch people!) Just not to fall over the edge of the handrail headfirst!

So here I was with my hip being crushed and unable to breathe, with the kid in front of me crying and some girls next to me screaming in my ear, and the people staffing the sale not letting us away from the pain. When we finally got in, well I felt disappointed; all the cakes were burned and had probably been made by a pyromaniac monkey man. I managed to find a decent (well, sort of) flapjack, as I didn't want the pain to have been for nothing.

When I saw the clock I saw I had been in the queue for about 15 minutes, that is about half of our lunch break!

That was kind of funny though, as I am in year nine, and I could see all the sugar-hyped year sevens all pushing from behind, salivating.

So that was my day, well a bit of it, fifteen minutes of it in fact!




ESA 16 years, 11 months ago

That sounds really funny :D

But annoying. If that was my school, I'd give the people who were pushing a whack. Or a punch in the back of the head, then run away (assuming they're older than me :D).

Moikle 16 years, 11 months ago

Well, it is hard to run when you are surrounded and unable to move! lolj

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Poor sp…

Rusky 16 years, 11 months ago

see? cake is always a lie.

Omega_Squid 16 years, 11 months ago

Well generally you don't want to eat cake laced with arsenic; it is just not very smart.

Kenon 16 years, 11 months ago

Cake=Lie in said case, and in all cases.


Leyenda 16 years, 11 months ago

If you are smart, you not stand in queue at all. Instead, let seven-year kid get his cake… then take it.

You'r nine year student, right? So be the MAN!

Jaxx 16 years, 11 months ago

WTF x3 post? >____>

Moikle 16 years, 10 months ago

yeah, i got hyper

DT-170x 16 years, 7 months ago

What types of Cake you eat. Some are good some are bad.