i went to cyprus for easter, a very nice country. well, until you, like over 30,000 other british people get stuck in cyprus alone.
found a great shop run by a gut named vulcan. he gave us food and drink (free) and showed us his animals;5 cats, (my favourite was bijour, meaning midget in turkish/greek)10 guinea pigs,5 dogsa donkeya turkeycountless chikens, finches, budgies and cocatoosducksand an eagle.there are loads of stray cats in cyprus, but they are all healthy because they get fed by the small army of local resturaunts.yeah, then due to th volcanic ash from iceland; we couldnt fly back from cyprus for 5 days, which cut into school, (yay). but my french exam is soon, and im screwed.oh, and my guinea pig diedoh, and my birthday is tommorrow, and i have to postpone the celebration.but anyway, i saw Emre's (ESA's) hometown of istanbul, or at least the airport, on the way back. but im back now.so, what did i miss?
firestormx is back online.
yeah, for like half an hour.