We have lift off!

Posted by Moikle on Feb. 4, 2012, 12:16 p.m.

Yay, I got home from work today to find the virgin media man setting up our new network.

I AM NO LONGER TIED DOWN WITH AOL! (and their 1-3Mb/s broadband)

This blog is not short, most of the content is just not written in it. (Modit: Noted.)

edit from the future

this is now, same package :(

less than 1% of what it is supposed to be, and it has been like this for a week so far


Moikle 13 years ago

I know I won't be able to find anywhere to download that quickly, but… shhhhh.

flashback 13 years ago

…so where exactly can you download at 32MB/s from? I'd imagine in 99% of cases you would be limited by the other side capping you, rather than your connection.
The point isn't really single download threads, it's many multiple ones (SEE: Downloading updates on steam, torrents, etc.). while each thread might use 1/100 of your connection, running 100 of them takes advantage of your whole pipe.

Castypher 13 years ago

Not to ruin your fun, but….

Sure, my ping sucks, but that's mostly because I stuck with a G router instead of getting an N. However, cable is just terrible over here since you have to share bandwidth.

I was trying to make some sort of point with this but I can't figure out how to put it without sounding like even more of a jackass. If it helps, Pingtest says my connection sucks. =D

Well I guess this solved my issue of finding an ISP.

flashback 13 years ago


Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Just use this one


Rob 13 years ago

It says the average for my university is like 20MB/s :(

I guess it's my shitty wireless adapter/location or something.

JuurianChi 13 years ago

"virgin media man"
How did you know he was a Virgin?

I'm downloading some files=Slow stats

Eva unit-01 13 years ago


Josea 13 years ago

Oh boy here we go again. Another speed test post to remind everyone else how lucky the are:

Oh yeah, testing with a server in my own city gave worse results.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

I remember when I first started using Clear, and downloading stuff, they started throttling me down to where I was getting like 0.10mbps DL speeds, 6 something Upload speeds, and pings like wayyyyy above 200. It was madness.