[Mkl]Those damn slopes!

Posted by Moikle on Feb. 17, 2012, 4:44 p.m.

Sup 64 digits, I am doing stuff.

I have finally decided to get off my arse and continue working on this project I have been stuck on for 2 weeks.

A while ago, back when I did a lot of GM stuff, I would have had this done in a day or two, but for the fact that I haven’t really done any engine stuff with it for a very long time, (only experiments and cool visual things), coupled with how my perfectionism level has raised significantly since then- meaning I will not accept any of the crappy solutions I may have come up with a year or more ago.

I am working on a platform engine which has pretty much all of the features I can see myself needing (although starting off with the basics of course). So far I have got the ability to play the game with either a keyboard or an xbox360 controller (and have also set it up so that adding local multiplayer should be easy) which is something I have never done in GM before, but I am rather happy with the result.

The problem however is slopes, the bane of every GMnoob (which I do not consider myself). I have created several platformer engines before that support slopes, but none that will support the current model.

I have got to a point where I do not understand where I have gone wrong, so here I am, asking for help on something quite simple.

Here is a link to the file, all of the problems are in the step event, highlighted…


…like this


It is GM8.1 but I don’t know how to use LateralGM so sorry if you don’t have 8.1 :(

You can press enter to change control scheme


Left/right arrows - move

X - jump


left stick - move

A - jump

Oh, and i just found another problem, the game starts off with extreme lag. this seems to fix itself if you attach a controller, and then disconnect it. even if you don't change the control scheme. I have no idea why…


Moikle 12 years, 8 months ago

oh great! my skype name is redmoikle

@rob yeah, just saw that XD

now it jumps up a few steps then stops

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Math, it's magic.

Cesque's method works too.

Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

Actually your whole for loop system is fucked. You should seriously do it in reverse.

Let's say that your xspeed is 10. What you're doing is moving 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1. Try looping through in reverse instead. And then exit the loop once you've moved.

Moikle 12 years, 8 months ago

Just looking back at it I realized how blind I must be to have missed that, I don't even know what I was trying to achieve like that…