64Digits Red faction

Posted by Moikle on July 22, 2013, 10:13 a.m.

Hey guys! we haven't played anything as a community other than minecraft for a while, and all the other things we played have been long, survival type games like terraria/minecraft/ftb.

I was playing Red Faction Guerilla alone the other day and I was reminded of how awesome the multiplayer was. sadly, the multiplayer servers are all ghost towns now, and you would be lucky to find even one other person online.

So why don't we change that? lets play on our own server, get together in teamspeak and demolish some buildings/eachother together

for those who never played it, here are some videos

it is on and off in the steam sales at the moment


JuurianChi 11 years, 6 months ago

Something's wrong with my copy too. I've tried googling solutions, but they're not working.

Moikle 11 years, 6 months ago

mine works D: