
Posted by MooshteRahoo on Dec. 18, 2006, 3:28 p.m.

After seeing so many blog enties, I began thinking about something. It's about the blog names. I mean, I named my blog with a *. Why did you read it? It's either you felt like it or you wondered what it was about, because there was no givin name. Just a * or ? symbol, you'd wonder what it was about.

Anway, 53% of my game is done. That's still really low. It's comin' okay.

Also, does anyone know how I could use a naming system in my game? Like someone can put in their name and it will show above the player during the game? If yo do, please post.

Symbols for mysterious blogs:

€ Ç æ=u(+) Ω

See ya


MooshteRahoo 18 years, 2 months ago
