
Posted by MooshteRahoo on Feb. 5, 2007, 1:50 p.m.


I got this game a couple of weeks ago. It's really a great game. Though, sometimes it's really hard. For those of you who do have it, I'm only on the tenth collosus.

For those who don't, it's a really cool RPG game, but not with those boring battles, with really fun action ones. Well, first, the only boring parts are really actually finding the collosus's, but when you do, you get to battle this:

So, than you must find different ways to reach these huge beasts and find these glowing symbols on them and stab them there, weakening them. There are also no main mini monsters, just these hulking bosses. There are also different forms, as so:

So yeah, it's a really great game. If you have a chance to get it, you should.


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

You should play Wanda and the Colossus.

Kaz 18 years ago

Which is the prequel right?

thernz 18 years ago

ICO is the predecessor.

Wanda and the Colossus was the Japanese name for SoTC, right?

How is it like an RPG though? :\

s 18 years ago

My friend got that game. It seems a bit like the original Zelda, with a giant overworld. I like the idea…though it is quite a refined adventure game.

basilamer 18 years ago

Yeah, SotC kicks ass! I love climbing on them!

Bryan 18 years ago

Ah k. Sounds fun.

Misconstruct 18 years ago

The last colossus, while the most rigid in how you must fight it, is really cool. It's creativity executed perfectly.

Hootiehoo 18 years ago

My friend, James, keeps talking about how great that game is and ow awesome the graphics are.

Crane-ium 18 years ago

GREAT GAME!!!!! true dat

ultim8p00 18 years ago

played it already.

wait till u get to the part where u gotta go up this maze thing while some guy is firing yellow exploding lazers at you - really frustrating, especially when u start hunting for items and there's a time limit