Programming with OpenGL #2

Posted by Mordi on April 19, 2012, 5:47 p.m.

This time I've changed the library to handle windows/contexts. I switched from using GLUT to GLFW. It's a bit better, and it handles keyboard input as well. With GLUT you didn't have full control of the main-loop. GLFW has more freedom in this sense. GLFW is multi-platform, like GLUT.

I then made a game-state management system. This means that I can now create "rooms" that are separate .cpp-files. To change state, I simply call a function that'll handle cleanup, initializing and loading new states. It even has loading-screen that displays between states.

Here are one thousand hamsters in a circle.

Here's a video of them spinning around fancily.

Next, I will add FreeType to load and draw fonts. After that, I'll need to add some form of input-handling. These will probably take several days to add, just like all the other features of this little game engine have.


Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

I then made a game-state management system. This means that I can now create "rooms" that are separate .cpp-files.

Rooms, or room types? Couldn't you handle similar levels with the same class and just pass a parameter for them? That's why I did on the last game I made. (the parameter would change which level files they loaded basically)

Or is this a dumb way of doing it?

Rez 12 years, 8 months ago

I could not control my amusement when I read "here are one thousand hamsters in a circle."

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Hamster circle jerk.

blackhole 12 years, 8 months ago

In most cases, if you are hard coding rooms, you're doing it wrong. You should usually build a trigger system to handle everything in a separate editor, with provisions for room or object specific scripts. Even when building a game-specific engine you should be hardcoding as little as possible.

Mordi 12 years, 8 months ago

Rob: I have a base class that all levels inherit from. To change state I just need to pass in a parameter, and it'll handle everything from there.

To create a new state, I create a class that inherits from said base-class. Then, to activate this state when the game is running, I call "ChangeState(new StateClassNameHere());".

Usually how I do it is have three states. Menu, Editor and Game, where editor and game loads level-files. This has worked well in the past. I've usually only made multiplayer-focused games without any sort of scripting.