Programming with OpenGL #6

Posted by Mordi on May 7, 2012, 4:20 p.m.

This time I've worked on drawing some UI-elements. They don't have any function. I just want to draw it, as the drawing is a bit complicated. The entire UI is in fact one texture, about 50 x 50 in size. There is actually room for most of what I need in that small image.

I spent two days just trying to get the text to split nicely. The function still has a glitch which can crash the game, but I'm gonna leave that for now. I never got around to making the loading use a separate thread, which I mentioned last time. I'll need to ask a friend for some help on that.

In unrelated news, I got a mail from the developer of Deadly Dungeons ( I did the soundtrack for the game. He really liked it, and he asked if I could create a soundtrack for his next game as well.

Here's one of the tracks from DD:

In even more unrelated news, I made these:


JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

Lucky you.

I love when that kind of stuff happens.